Statutory Instrument 271 of 1981.
[CAP. 214 [CAP. 211
Model Building (Amendment) By-laws, 1981 (No. 2)
IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Local Government and Housing has, in terms of section 183 of the Urban Councils Act [Chapter 214], as read with section 83A of the Rural Councils Act [Chapter 211], made the following by-laws:-

  1. These by-laws may be cited as the Model Building (Amendment) By-laws, 1981 (No. 2).
    WIN. 2. Chapter 2 of the Model Building By-laws, 1977, published in Rhodesia Government Notice 41 of 1978 (hereinafter called the principal by-laws), is amended
    2 (2)
    (a) in subsection (1) of section 2-
    () in the definition of “architect”, by the deletion of as a member of the Architects Council of Rhodesia”;
    (ii) in the delinition of “storey”, by the deletion of paragraph (e) and the substitution of
    “(e) “mezzanine storey” means a storey in a building extending over only part of the floor below it;”:
    (iii) in the definition of “structural engineer”, by the deletion of “Rhodesia”, wherever it occurs, and the substitution of “Zimbabwe”;
    (iv) by the insertion of the following definitions- “”waste-pipe” means any pipe connected to any waste-water fitting and used for the ‘conveyance of waste water to any gully-trap, floor-channel or waste- or soil-stack, but does not include any fitting, gully, channel or sewer into which such waste-pipe may discharge; “waste-sewer” means such part of a private sewer or combined private sewer as comprises underground piping and is used or intended to be used for the conveyance of waste water only;”;
  2. (b) in subparagraph (1) of paragraph 1 of the Schedule- (i) in subparagraph (e), by the deletion of “Rhodesian Institute of Architects” and the substitution of “Institute of Architects of Zimbabwe”;
  3. (ii) in subparagraph (J) by the deletion of “Rhodesian” and the substitution of “Zimbabwe”;
  4. of
  5. (i) in subparagraph (c) by the deletion “Rhodesian” and the substitution of “Zimbabwe”; (iv) in subparagraph (1) by the deletion of “Association of Rhodesian Industries” and the substitution of “Confederation of Zimbabwean Industries”:
  6. (v) in subparagraph () by the deletion of “three” and the substitution of “four”.
  7. Chapter 4 of the principal by-laws is amended in section 5 by the insertion, after subsection (8), of the following subsection-
    “(8a) The costs of obtaining the second assessment referred to in subsection (7) shall be paid by the local authority in the event that such assessment confirms the finding of the first assessment.”.
    c. 4. Chapter 6 of the principal by-laws is amended
    SRIAL (a) in soction 10 by the icletion from subsection (6) of “pitch allowable” and the substitution of “pitch allowable for either covering alone”;
    (b) in section 19 by the deletion from subsection (1) of “and”, where it occurs for the first time, and the substitution of “unless there are”..
  8. Chapter 7 of the principal by-laws is amended-
    (a) in section 8 by the repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of
    “(1) Services and circulating or supply-
    (a) for hot water shall be made of galvanized steel or copper,
    (b) for cold water may be made of galvanized steel or copper ahd, where they are not used in any position which is exposed,
  9. may be made of asbestos-cement or black polythene piping to the requirements of C.A.S. 177 or of U.P.V.C. piping to the requirements of CAS. No. K.21:
  10. Provided that piping of other materials may be used with the prior written permission of the local authority.”:
  11. (b) in section 21 by the deletion, in paragraph (c), of “and shall be”.
  12. NG 6: Chapter 8 of the principal by-laws is amended-
  13. 4
  14. (a) in section 4 by the repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of-
  15. “(1) General requirements. Subject to the provisions of this section, and unless otherwise approved by the local authority, required daylight openings in any room shall have a total area admitting daylight, that is, excluding the frame members, in accordance with the requirements of Table I.”;
  16. (b) by the repeal of sections 9 and 10 and the substitution
  17. of-
  20. The local authority may, notwithstanding the provisions of sections 2 and 4, permit, subject to such terms and conditions which it deems necessary to impose, rooms without daylight openings or with smaller daylight openings than are required in terms of section 4:
    Provided that-
    (i) adequate illumination, as determined by the local authority, shall be provided at any point within such rooms by artificial light or any combination of natural and artificial light; and
    (i) where the local authority makes a determination in terms of proviso (1), the provisions of section 6 shall not apply.


  1. The local authority may require artificial lighting or additional artificial lighting to be provided at say time, whether or not the provisions this Chapter have been complied with, when the illumination of any room is, in the opinion of the local authority, inadequate.”.
  2. Chapter
    of the principal by-laws is amended-
    (a) in section 1 by the repeal of the definitions of “wasie- pipe” and “waste-sewer”;
    (b) in section 19 by the deletion, from paragraph (c) of subsection (1), of “S.A.B.S. 746” and the substitution of “C.A.S. 243”:
    (c) in section 39–
    ) in subsection (1) by the deletion of “, waste-sewer and sewer”:
    (ii) by the repeal of subsection (3);
    (d) in section 54-
    (i) by the repeal of subsection (2) and the substitution of
    “(2) Every dish-gully provided in terms. of subsection (1) shall be set on a base of concrete not less than 150 millimetres thick, having a composition not inferior to Grade 10 as defined in C.A.S. 170.”;
    (ii) a subsection (3) by the deletion of “similar concrete” and the substitution of “concrete having a composition not inferior to Grade 20 as defined in C.A.S. 170”
    (e) by the insertion, afir salion 69, of the following
    69A. Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, every sewer, including every branch thereof which exceeds 6 metres in length, measured from the bend

or trap at its highest point to its junction with a ventilated private sewer or a ventilated public sewer, shall be provided with a ventilation-pipe of at least 100 millimetres in diameter leading upwards from the highest convenient point:
Provided that, with the prior approval of the local authority, such a ventilation-pipe may be omitted on a sewer which does not exceed 10 metres
in length and which serves fittings on a ground storey
(f) in section 84-
(i) by the deletion of “No person” and the substitution of “Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), no person”
(ii) by the insertion of the following subsections, the existing section becoming subsection (1)—
“(2) Where required by the local authority. suitable pipes or channels shall be provided-by the owner for the proper conveyance of spring. subsoil, surface or storm-water from the property up to the street boundary, and thence, by means of an approved pipe or pavement channel across or under the sidewalk to discharge into the gutter above the level thereof or, at the direction of the local authority, into the public drain.
(3) The positions of points of discharge into gutters and public drains referred to in subsection (2) shall be subject to the approval of the local authority.”:
(g) in section 95 by the deletion, in subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (a), of “manomic” and the substitution of “manometric”.

  1. Chapter 10 of the principal by-laws is amended- (a) in section 7 by the deletion from subsection (7) of “supplied or” and the substitution of “supplied to or”;

(b) in section 9, by the deletion from paragraph (g) of subsection (2) of “garage-pits and wells” and the substitution of “save in a garage situated on residential premises, garage-pits and wells”.

  1. Chapter 11 of the principal by-laws is amended
    (a) in section 3 by the insertion in subsection (2) of the following proviso-
    “Provided that the local authority may, in
    respect of a class 9 industrial grade C construction,
    32) permit an increase in the percentage floor area
    referred to, up to a maximum of forty per centum of the floor area of the storey in which it is located, where it is satisfied with, and approves of, the fire- precautions provided, taking into account the fire- load of the premises and their contents.”:
    (b) in section 4-
    (i) in subsection (2) by the repeal of “Class 4” and the substitution of-
    “Class 4-Business or commercial occupancy and residential occupancy-units of five or more storeys or over 15 metres in height and industrial occupancy of five or more storeys;”;
    (ii) in subsection (3) by the repeal of “Class 7” and the substitution of-
    “Class 7-Business, commercial and residential occupancy-units, not exceeding four storeys or 15 metres in height and industrial occupancy not exceeding four storeys in height, but exceeding. in the case of dwelling-houses, two storeys in height and, in the case of all other residential occupancy-units and all other business, cora- inercial or industrial occupancies, exceeding one storey in height;”;
    (iii) in subsection (4) by the deletion from Class 10 of 7000″ and the substitution of “20,000”;

(c) in section 6-
(i) by the insertion after subsection (7) of the following subsection-
“(8) A basement which is constructed under a class 9 industrial grade C occupancy- unit and which
(a) has exit-ways discharging directly into the open air; and
(b) is constructed in accordance with conditions specified by the local authority, which conditions may. require the provision of fire-detection or alarm devices;
shall not be regarded as a basement for the purposes of this section or columns 3 and 5 of Table I.”;
(ii) by the repeal of Table I and the substitution of-

Fire protected construction.Unprotected steel work construction
Occupancy and fire load of building of DivisionConstruction
Single storey
without basement
Multi storey Single storey without basement
Residential, institutional public and assembly business or commercial
all of low fire load
42 000
21 000
14 000
14 000
Not permitted
Business and commercial 14000
Public and assembly 14000 or category A
42000 for category B
Industrial of low fire load A
42 000
35 000
30 000
14 000
Not permitted
14 000 for grade A and B
20 000 for C grade construction
Commercial of moderate fire load A
35 000
14 000
10 500
10 500
Not permitted
Fire protected construction.Unprotected steel work construction
Occupancy and fire load of building of DivisionConstruction
Single storey
without basement
Multi storey Single storey without basement
Industrial of moderate fire load A
35 000
28 000
23 000
10 500
Not permitted
7000 for grades A and B construction
20 000 for grade C
Commercial of high fire load A
28 000
10 000
7 000
7 000
2 800
Not permitted
Not permitted
Industrial of high fire load A
28 000
10 000
7 000
7 000
2 800
Not permitted
Not permitted
Storage with low or moderate fire load A
25 000
20 000
7 000
3 500
Not permitted
14 000
Storage with high fire- load (other than provided for in
section 44)
7 000
3 500
4 200
2 100
Not permitted
Not permitted

(d) in section 13 by the deletion from Table XI of “Occupancy-separation”, where it occurs for the third time, and the substitution of “tenancy-separation”:
(e) in section 14 by the deletion from Table XII, below columns 3 to 6, of “Arca of each opening not to exceed 5 square metres” and the substitution of “Area of each opening not to exceed 7 square metres”;
() in subsection (14) of section 24-
G) by the repeal of paragraph (a) and the substitution
“(a) for a low fico-load occupancy, 50 metres: Provided that, in places of assembly.
it shall be 30 metres;”:
(ii) by the deletion from paragraph (b) of “20 metres” and the substitution of “35 metres”;
Gii) by the deletion from paragraph (c) of “10 metres” and the substitution of “25 metres”;
(e) in section 34 by the deletion from paragraph (c) of subsection (17) of “covered” and the substitution of “coved”;
(h) in section 54 by the deletion from subsection (1) of “(Foreign)” and the substitution of “(Foreign) and CAS. 251, Code of practice for fire-extinguishing installations and equipment on premises”:
(i) in section 56 by the deletion of “communication-pipe intended” and the substitution of “communication-pipe as defined in Chapter 7 intended”;
in the Second Schedule by the deletion from Table IX- (i) in paragraph (b) of “British Standard Number 459:
Part 3: 1951, fitted in the frame complying with the sald British Shadard” and the substitution of “CA.S. 176: Part 1 and Part 2, fitted in the frame complying with the said standard”;
(ii) in paragraph (c) of “British Standard Number 459: Part 3: 1951” and the substitution of “C.A.S. 176: Part 1 and Part 2”.

  1. Chapter 12 of the principal by-laws is amended-
    (a) in section 3 by the deletion from subsection (1) of
    “shall be construcled” and the substitution of “shall be subject to the approval of, and from time to time inspection by, the local authority, and shall be constructed”;
    (b) in section 12 by the repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of–
    “(1) Where ramps are used in buildings for the transfer of motor vehicles from one floor to another-
    (a) those which meet the ground-level shall do so at a distance of not less than 6 metres from and within any exit from the building to a street or courtyard;
    (b) in relation to buildings to which the public has vehicular access without restriction
    (i) the slope of any straight ramp shall not exceed one vertical to ten horizontal;
    (ii) the slope of any spiral ramp shall not exceed one vertical to twelve horizon;
    (c) in relation to buildings to which the public does not have unrestricted vehicular access-
    (i) the slope of any straight ramp shall
    not exceed one vertical to five F-orizontal:
    Provided that the local authority may, on the recommen- dation of a person who-
    (a) holds professional quali- fications as an engineer; and
  2. Chapter 12 of the principal by-laws is amended-
    (a) in section 3 by the deletion from subsection (1) of
    “shall be construcled” and the substitution of “shall be subject to the approval of, and from time to time inspection by, the local authority, and shall be constructed”;
    (b) in section 12 by the repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of–
    “(1) Where ramps are used in buildings for the transfer of motor vehicles from one floor to another-
    (a) those which meet the ground-level shall do so at a distance of not less than 6 metres from and within any exit from the building to a street or courtyard;
    (b) in relation to buildings to which the public has vehicular access without restriction
    (i) the slope of any straight ramp shall not exceed one vertical to ten horizontal;
    (ii) the slope of any spiral ramp shall not exceed one vertical to twelve horizon;
    (c) in relation to buildings to which the public does not have unrestricted vehicular access-
    (i) the slope of any straight ramp shall
    not exceed one vertical to five F-orizontal:
    Provided that the local authority may, on the recommen- dation of a person who-
    (a) holds professional quali- fications as an engineer; and
  3. (b) is an employee of the local authority or, where the local authority con- cerned, does not have a suitably qualified person in its employ, of some other local authority;
  4. short
  5. permit the gradient of a straight ramp to be increased to one- vertical to four horizontal if the engineer making the recommen- dation certifies that all safety requirements have been met and that the surface texture of the ramp. will last the life of the structure for its intended purpose;
  6. (ii) the slope of any spiral ramp shall not exceed one vertical to ten horizontal;
  7. (d) in relation to curved ramps-
  8. (i) the radius of the outside edge shall be not less than 10 metres;
  9. (ii) limiting values of curvature and slope shall not be used together;
  10. (iii) superelevation shall not exceed one vertical to twelve horizontal;
  11. (e) transitions shall be constructed between slabs and ramps of different slope using an are or parabolic transition curve of length not less than 3,5 metres.”.