1. Short title.

This Act may be cited as the Regional Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter.

2. Interpretation.

(1) In this Act—
“adopted scheme” means a scheme such as is referred to in subparagraph (ii) of
paragraph (c) of section seventy-five which has not been approved in terms of that
(a) means any word, letter, model, sign, placard, board, notice, device or
representation, whether illuminated or not, in the nature of, and employed wholly or
partly for the purposes of, advertisement, announcement or direction; and
(b) includes any hoarding or similar structure used, or adapted for use, for
the display of any thing referred to in paragraph (a);
and any reference to the display of advertisements shall be construed accordingly;
“advisory board” means an advisory board appointed in accordance with section
sixty-seven A;
“appointed day” means the 1st November, 1976;
“approved scheme” means a scheme such as is referred to in subparagraph (iv) of
paragraph (c) of section seventy-five;
“area under its jurisdiction”, in relation to a local authority, means—
(a) in the case of a municipal council or town council, the area of the
municipality or town, as the case may be, and of any local government area which is
administered and controlled by the municipal council or town council, as the case
may be;
(b) in the case of a rural district council, the council area;
(c) in the case of a local board, the local government area for which the
board is established and of any local government area which is administered and
controlled by the local board;
“building” includes—
(a) any structure or erection or part thereof, including a swimming pool;
(b) any part of a building;
but does not include plant or machinery within a building;
“building operations” includes—
(a) the construction or erection of any building; and
(b) the rebuilding of, or structural alterations or additions to, any building;
(c) any operations not referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) which are
normally undertaken by a person carrying on business as a builder;
“building preservation order” means an order made in terms of section thirty;
“construct” includes to erect;
“development account” means an account established in terms of section sixty-six;
“development order” means a development order made in terms of section twentyfive;
“Director” means the person appointed as Director of Physical Planning in terms of
section sixty-three;
“district road” has the meaning given by section 3 of the Roads Act [Chapter 13:12];
“enforcement order” means an order made in terms of section thirty-two;
“Executive Director of Museums” means the Executive Director of Museums and
Monuments appointed in terms of section 14 of the National Museums and
Monuments Act [Chapter 25:11];
“forest land” means any area or land which has been declared to be a demarcated
forest in terms of the Forest Act [Chapter 19:05];
“general plan” has the meaning given by section 2 of the Land Survey Act [Chapter
“investigator” means the person appointed by the Minister in terms of subsection (2)
of section sixty-seven;
“local authority” means a municipality, town, local board or rural district council;
“local inquiry” means a local inquiry held in terms of this Act in accordance with
section sixty-seven;
“local plan” means a plan as described in section seventeen, together with any
alterations made to that plan in terms of section twenty;
“local planning authority”, subject to the limitations specified in section ten, means
an authority which is a local planning authority in terms of that section;
“main road” has the meaning given by section 3 of the Roads Act [Chapter 13:12];
“master plan” means a plan as described in section fourteen, together with any
alterations made to that plan in terms of section twenty;
“mining operations” includes quarrying and other surface mineral workings;
“Minister” means the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development
or any other Minister to whom the President may, from time to time, assign the
administration of this Act;
“obstacle limitation area of an aerodrome” means an area declared to be an obstacle
limitation area of an aerodrome by the Minister in terms of subsection (4);
“operative”, in relation to any regional plan, master plan or local plan, means such a
plan which has become operative in terms of subsection (7) of section seven or
subsection (5) of section seventy-one, as the case may be;
“owner”, in relation to property, means—
(a) in the case of land which is vested in the President—
(i) if it is not Communal Land, the Minister responsible for the
administration of the land concerned; or
(ii) if it is Communal Land, the Minister responsible for the
administration of the Communal Land Act [Chapter 20:04];
(b) in the case of land which is not vested in the President—
(i) the person who is registered in the Deeds Registry as the owner of the
property; or
(ii) a local authority or a statutory body to which the ownership of the
property has been transferred or vested by any enactment; or
(iii) the person lawfully holding the property in accordance with any
enactment or agreement with the State or a local authority or a statutory body which
entitles that person to obtain title thereof on the fulfilment by him of the conditions
fixed by or in terms of such enactment or agreement;
and includes—
A. the legal representative of a person referred to in subparagraph (i) or
(iii) of paragraph (b) who has died, has become insolvent, is a minor, is of unsound
mind or is otherwise under disability; or
B. the liquidator of a company which is a person referred to in
subparagraph (i) or (iii) of paragraph (b);
“parks and wild life land” means land which is Parks and Wild Life Estate in terms of
the Parks and Wild Life Act [Chapter 20:14];
“permit” means a permit granted in terms of section twenty-six or forty;
“planning area” means the area for which a regional plan, master plan or local plan is
being or has been prepared;
“preliminary planning permission” means preliminary planning permission granted in
terms of section twenty-six;
“prohibition order” means an order made in terms of section thirty-four;
“property” means any land which is described in any deed of grant or transfer or other
certificate of title as a single piece of land;
“public notice” means notice given in the Gazette and additionally, or alternatively, in
a newspaper circulating in the area of the local planning authority or other area
concerned in accordance with such requirements as are prescribed;
“region” means an area specified in a proclamation in terms of section three;
“regional plan” means a plan as described in section six, together with any alterations
made to that plan in terms of section eight;
“regional planning council” means a regional planning council established in terms of
section three;
“reinstatement order” means an order made in terms of subsection (3) of section
“repealed Act” means the Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 213 of 1974];
“road” includes—
(a) any existing street, bridge, subway, avenue, lane, footpath, sanitary
lane or thoroughfare; and
(b) anything shown as a street or road on a general plan; and
(c) any other public right of way established by law;
“scenic beauty area” means an area declared to be a scenic beauty area by the
Minister in terms of subsection (5);
“scheduled local planning authority” means a local planning authority referred to in,
or established in terms of, paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section ten;
“scheme” and “scheme area” have the meanings given thereto in the repealed Act;
“State road” means a road for the maintenance of which the Minister responsible for
transport has assumed responsibility;
“statutory body” means a corporate body established by or in terms of any enactment
for special purposes specified in that enactment;
“survey diagram” means a diagram as defined in the Land Survey Act [Chapter
“Surveyor-General” means the Surveyor-General appointed in terms of the Land
Survey Act [Chapter 20:12];
“tree preservation order” means an order made in terms of section thirty-one.
(2) Any reference in this Act to land or property which is adjacent to land or property
which is affected by a particular proposal or to which a particular application relates,
hereinafter referred to as the affected land, shall be construed as a reference to land or
property which—
(a) has a common boundary or common beacon with the affected land; or
(b) has a boundary or beacon which is directly opposite a boundary or
beacon of the affected land and is separated therefrom only by a road.
(3) Subject to section seventy-five, any scheme, matter or thing which is approved,
determined or otherwise done after the appointed day in terms of paragraph (a), (b),
(c), (d) or (g), as the case may be, of section seventy-five shall be regarded, for the
purposes of this Act, as though it had been approved, determined or otherwise done
under the repealed Act.
(4) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, declare an area surrounding or in the
vicinity of an aerodrome to be an obstacle limitation area of an aerodrome and may in
like manner amend or revoke any such notice.
(5) Where the Minister considers that development in an area by reason of its scenic
beauty requires to be controlled he may, by statutory instrument, declare such area to
be a scenic beauty area and may in like manner amend or revoke any such notice.


3. Regional planning council.

(1) Whenever the President considers it desirable he may, by proclamation in a
statutory instrument, establish a regional planning council for any region the area of
which shall be specified in the proclamation.
(2) The President may at any time, by proclamation in a statutory instrument, amend
the area for which a regional planning council has been established.

4. Composition of regional planning council.

(1) A regional planning council shall consist of such number of members as the
Minister may from time to time specify in each case by notice in the Gazette.
(2) The Minister shall ensure that the membership in terms of subsection (1) will, in
his opinion, most effectively represent the local authorities and the main activities and
interests within the region.
(3) The members of the regional planning council shall be appointed by the Minister:
Provided that the Minister may from time to time authorize any local authority or
other authority to appoint such number of members as he may direct.
(4) A member of the regional planning council shall hold office at the pleasure of the
Minister or authority that appointed him, as the case may be.
(5) A regional planning council may appoint a committee consisting of such number
of members of that council, being not less than three, and, if it thinks fit, such other
persons, not being members of the council, as it may determine and may delegate to
that committee such powers as that council may determine:
Provided that—
(i) a regional planning council may not delegate to any such committee
the power to adopt the regional plan or any alteration thereto;
(ii) any such delegation may at any time be amended or withdrawn by the
regional planning council but any such amendment or withdrawal shall not invalidate
anything done in pursuance of a decision lawfully taken by the committee before the
date of such amendment or withdrawal.
(6) Subject to this section, a regional planning council shall be governed by such
provisions as may be prescribed and by such additional provisions as the Minister
may in any particular case fix.

5. Functions of regional planning council.

(1) It shall be the function of a regional planning council within a period of three
years from the date on which it is established or such further period as the Minister
may authorize, whether before or after the expiration of such period, to prepare for
public exhibition in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section seven a
regional plan for its region:
Provided that a regional planning council may, if so authorized by the Minister, and
shall, if so directed by the Minister, prepare and submit a plan in terms of this Part for
any portion of the region and, where the preparation of such a plan has been so
authorized or directed, the provisions of this Part shall apply in relation to that plan.
(2) In addition to the preparation of a regional plan and making proposals for any
alteration to, or repeal or replacement of, a regional plan, a regional planning council
(a) make recommendations to the local planning authority as to any
matter to be contained in a master plan or local plan for any area within its region;
(b) make representations to the local planning authority in respect of any
provisions contained in a master plan or local plan proposed for any area within its
(c) advise or make recommendations to any local planning authority or
other person concerning the operation of its regional plan;
(d) assist in the consideration generally of matters relating to planning
within its region or, where appropriate, other contiguous areas.

6. Regional plan.

(1) The regional planning council shall—
(a) before preparing its regional plan, prepare an inventory of the assets
and resources of the region and, to the extent it considers necessary, of any
contiguous area; and
(b) thereafter, if it thinks fit or if the Minister so directs, institute a further
inventory of the region or any part thereof;
and in such inventory the matters which may be expected to affect the development of
the region or the planning of its development shall be examined and an analysis made
and the regional planning council shall thereafter keep all such matters under review.
(2) The general object of the regional plan shall be to ensure the co-ordinated
development of the region and the plan shall—
(a) indicate the major land uses, including the important public utilities
and any major amenity and recreational areas, areas for development, major
transportation and communication patterns and measures for the conservation and
improvement of the physical environment; and
(b) state the relationship of the proposals in the regional plan to the major
proposals for the use of land in neighbouring areas which may be expected to affect
the region; and
(c) indicate the manner in which any costs involved in implementing the
regional plan should be met.
(3) The regional plan shall indicate the manner in which its proposals are justified by
its inventory and analysis in terms of subsection (1) and by any other information
which it has obtained.
(4) In preparing the regional plan the regional planning council shall have regard to—
(a) the requirements of subsection (3); and
(b) the phasing of any development, the order of priorities in respect of
the proposals and the reasons therefor; and
(c) the resources likely to be available.
(5) The regional plan for any area shall consist of a written statement, accompanied
by such maps, diagrams, illustrations and descriptive matter as may be appropriate to
illustrate the proposals in the plan.

7. Preparation, adoption and determination of regional plan.

(1) In preparing the regional plan the regional planning council shall consult with
such persons as it may consider appropriate or as the Minister may direct.
(2) After consulting persons in terms of subsection (1) and before submitting the draft
regional plan to the Minister, the regional planning council shall—
(a) place on public exhibition for two months or for such other period as
the Minister may direct, a copy of the draft regional plan with a statement indicating
the time within which representations in connection with the draft regional plan may
be made to the regional planning council; and
(b) give public notice of the place or places at which, and the period for
which, the draft regional plan will be exhibited in terms of paragraph (a) and the time
within which representations in connection with the draft regional plan may be made
to the regional planning council; and
(c) advise the persons consulted in terms of subsection (1) of the matters
referred to in paragraph (b) and of its intention to adopt, subject to subsection (3), the
draft regional plan as exhibited.
(3) At the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (2) for
the making of representations the regional planning council shall—
(a) reconsider the draft regional plan in the light of any representations
received in terms of subsection (2); and
(b) thereafter adopt the draft regional plan with any modifications it
considers desirable and submit such draft to the Minister, together with copies of all
such representations received and a report—
(i) examining the inventory and analysis in terms of subsection (1) of
section six; and
(ii) summarizing any such representations received and the attitude of,
and action taken by, the regional planning council in relation thereto.
(4) On receipt of the draft regional plan and report in terms of subsection (3) the
Minister shall—
(a) refer them to the Director for an evaluation report thereon; and
(b) refer copies thereof to such other Ministries and departments of the
State as are likely, in his view, to be affected thereby.
(5) The Minister may refer any representations received in terms of subsection (2) to
a local inquiry for investigation and report.
(6) Subject to subsection (8), the Minister, after taking into account—
(a) the evaluation report received in terms of subsection (4) and any
submission from a Ministry or department referred to in that subsection; and
(b) the reports submitted in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (3) and
of subsection (5); and
(c) any other matters which he considers to be relevant, whether or not
they were taken into account by the regional planning council;
shall submit the draft regional plan, together with his recommendations, to the
(7) On receipt of the draft regional plan and the recommendations of the Minister in
terms of subsection (6) the President shall—
(a) approve the draft regional plan, subject to such modifications or
reservations as he deems fit, to become operative on a date to be specified by him; or
(b) reject the draft regional plan;
and shall notify the Minister accordingly, who shall give notice of such decision in
the Gazette and, if the draft regional plan has been approved, of the date fixed in
terms of paragraph (a) on which the regional plan shall become operative.
(8) The Minister may, at any time before submitting a draft regional plan to the
President, return it to the regional planning council for reconsideration of such
matters as the Minister may direct, and the regional planning council shall give
further consideration to such matters and, if the regional planning council considers
that any change should be made, subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5) shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, to any portion of the draft regional plan affected by such change.

8. Alteration of regional plan.

(1) At any time after a regional plan has become operative the regional planning
council shall—
(a) maintain a constant examination of all factors likely to affect the
regional plan and, where necessary, make appropriate proposals to the Minister for
the alteration, repeal or replacement of the regional plan; and
(b) if so directed by the Minister, examine, within such period as may be
fixed by the Minister, any proposal put forward by the Minister for the alteration,
repeal or replacement of the regional plan.
(2) Sections six and seven shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to any proposal in terms of
subsection (1) for the alteration, repeal or replacement of the regional plan.

9. Implementation of regional plan.

(1) If, in the opinion of a regional planning council, any provision of the regional plan
may be rendered incapable of implementation—
(a) because any particular person or authority will not be able to meet any
costs involved in implementing that provision which in accordance with the regional
plan should have been met by that person or authority; or
(b) for any other reason;
it shall report to the Minister who, after making such investigations, including, if
appropriate, the holding of a local inquiry, as he considers necessary, may take such
action as he deems fit to ensure the implementation of the provision of the regional
plan or direct the regional planning council in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (1)
of section eight to alter the provision concerned.
(2) Where a provision in a regional plan conflicts or is inconsistent with a provision
in a master plan, local plan or approved scheme which was operative immediately
before the regional plan became operative, the provision of the master plan, local plan
or approved scheme shall, in so far as—
(a) that provision has not been implemented; or
(b) there is no valid permit or approval in terms of the repealed Act which
authorizes the implementation of that provision;
cease to be of effect as soon as the regional plan becomes operative.


10. Local planning authorities.

(1) Subject to this section, the following shall be local planning authorities—
(a) every municipal council or town council for the area under its
(b) every rural district council or local board for the area under its
Provided that—
(i) a rural district council or local board shall not be a local planning
authority for the purposes of Part IV or VI unless the Minister, subject to paragraphs
(c) and (d), has, by statutory instrument, authorized the rural district council or local
board to be a local planning authority for such purposes;
(ii) where the Minister has issued a notice in terms of proviso (i), the rural
district council or local board shall exercise the powers of a local planning authority
to such extent and subject to such conditions as are specified in the notice;
(iii) where the area under the jurisdiction of a rural district council or local
board includes an area referred to in Part III of the Schedule the Minister shall, before
issuing a notice in terms of proviso (i), consult with the Minister of Environment and
(c) the Minister of Environment and Tourism—
(i) subject to paragraph (d), for the purposes of Parts IV and V, for any
area referred to in Part I of the First Schedule; and
(ii) for the purposes of preparing a local plan and making proposals for its
alteration, repeal or replacement and for no other purpose, for any area referred to in
Part II of the Schedule:
Provided that the Minister of Environment and Tourism may, by statutory
instrument, establish an authority, consisting of such persons as may be specified in
that notice, to be the local planning authority for such area or any part of such area as
is specified in that notice, and the authority so established shall be the local planning
authority for the area specified in that notice for the appropriate purposes specified in
subparagraph (i) or (ii), as the case may be, or for such of those purposes as may be
specified in that notice;
(d) for the purposes of—
(i) preparing a master plan and making proposals for its alteration, repeal
or replacement and for no other purpose, for the area comprising the Rhodes Matopos
and the Lake Matopos parks and wild life land and the area under the jurisdiction of
the former Bulawayo-Esigodini Rural Council, the authority established by the
Minister, by statutory instrument, shall be the local planning authority for that area
and shall consist of members appointed by the Minister who shall be representatives
of the Ministry responsible for environment and tourism and such other persons as the
Minister may consider suitable for appointment as members;
(ii) Part IV, for Lake Kariba parks and wild life land and the islands in
Lake Kariba and for such area adjacent to that lake as may be specified by the
Minister, by statutory instrument, shall be the local planning authority for that area
and shall consist of members appointed by the Minister who shall be representatives
of the Ministries responsible for local government and housing and environment and
tourism and such other persons as the Minister may consider suitable for appointment
as members;
(e) the Minister or any authority appointed or established by the Minister,
by statutory instrument —
(i) for any area for which there is no local planning authority; or
(ii) for the purposes of exercising in any area the powers conferred by this
Act on a local planning authority which may not, in terms of this subsection, be
exercised by the local planning authority concerned.
(2) Subject to this section, any two or more local planning authorities may, and if so
directed by the Minister shall, combine on such terms and conditions as may be
agreed between them or fixed by the Minister, as the case may be, for the purposes of
carrying out such duties or responsibilities in terms of this Act as they may agree or
as the Minister may direct in respect of the whole or part of the areas of the local
planning authorities concerned, and where such combination has been formed—
(a) before the combination may exercise any powers as a local planning
authority, the Minister shall cause to be published in the Gazette a notice
(i) the local planning authorities which are constituents of the
combination; and
(ii) the area for which the combination has been formed; and
(iii) the duties and responsibilities which are to be carried out by the
(b) the combination shall be the local planning authority for the area
specified in the notice published in terms of paragraph (a) for the purpose of carrying
out the duties or responsibilities specified in that notice and may exercise, in respect
thereof, any powers conferred by this Act on a local planning authority,
notwithstanding that one of the constituents of that combination has not been
authorized by the Minister to exercise the power concerned in relation to its area;
(c) sections 244, 245 and 246 of the Urban Councils Act [Chapter 29:15]
shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in relation to the combination;
(d) the duties or responsibilities specified in the notice referred to in
paragraph (a) shall be carried out by the combination and not by the local planning
authorities which are constituents of the combination.
(3) The Minister shall not direct in terms of subsection (2) that a local planning
authority referred to in paragraph (e) of subsection (1) shall combine with another
local planning authority unless with the approval of the Minister of Environment and
(4) Where a local planning authority which is referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of
subsection (1) or is a combination referred to in subsection (2) includes within its area
any forest land or parks and wild life land referred to in Part III of the Schedule, the
Minister shall, on such terms and conditions as he thinks fit—
(a) appoint to the local planning authority a person nominated by the
Minister of Environment and Tourism; and
(b) if the Great Zimbabwe Ruins National Monument is included within
its area, appoint a person nominated by the Executive Director of Museums;
to be a member of the local planning authority for the purpose of ensuring the coordination of development of the land within the forest land or parks and wild life
land concerned and the other parts of the area of the local planning authority.
(5) If, in the case of a local planning authority which is referred to in paragraph (a) or
(b) of subsection (1) or is a combination referred to in subsection (2), the Minister
considers that the development of the area of the local planning authority will have
serious implications for the planning and development of a neighbouring local
planning authority, he may appoint, on such terms and conditions as he thinks fit, to
the first-mentioned local planning authority as members thereof one or more persons
whom he considers suitable for the purpose of ensuring that consideration is given to
the planning and development interests of the neighbouring local planning authority:
Provided that the number of members so appointed shall be less than the number of
other members of the first-mentioned local planning authority.
(6) Without derogation from subsections (4) and (6) the Minister may, in the case of a
local planning authority which is a combination referred to in subsection (2), appoint,
on such terms and conditions as he may specify, such persons to be additional
members thereof as he considers necessary or desirable to ensure that the local
planning authority concerned shall have suitable expertise and representation of
interests for the proper exercise of its powers, functions, duties and responsibilities:
Provided that the number of members so appointed shall be less than the number of
other members of the first-mentioned local planning authority.
(7) The Minister may, in the statutory instrument referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii)
of paragraph (d) of subsection (1) or paragraph (a) of subsection (2), provide for such
matters in connection with the authority or combination referred to in that
subparagraph or paragraph, as the case may be, as he considers appropriate and may
at any time thereafter, by further statutory instrument, amend such statutory

11. Powers of local planning authority to implement plan or scheme.

(1) Subject to any limitations imposed by this Act, a local planning authority shall be
empowered to do anything which is necessary to implement an operative master plan
or local plan or an approved scheme.
(2) Subject to Part VIII, if any person is aggrieved by anything done by a local
planning authority in terms of subsection (1) he may, within one month of that thing
having been done or such longer period as the President of the Administrative Court
may in writing authorize; appeal to the Administrative Court in such manner as may
be prescribed in rules and the Administrative Court may make such order as it deems

12. Delegation of functions by local planning authority.

(1) A local planning authority may establish a committee, consisting of such number
of members, being not less than three, as that authority may determine, and may
delegate to that committee any powers, duties or responsibilities conferred or imposed
on a local planning authority by this Act or by an operative master plan or local plan
or an approved scheme:
Provided that—
(i) if the local planning authority contains members who have been
appointed by the Minister in terms of subsection (4) or (6) of section ten, all the
members so appointed shall be members of the committee;
(ii) the local planning authority shall not delegate to that committee the
responsibility to adopt any master plan or local plan or alteration thereto or to submit
to the Minister any master plan or alteration thereto or to approve any local plan or
alteration thereto.
(2) A local planning authority such as is referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of
subsection (1) or subsection (2) of section ten may on such terms and conditions as it
thinks fit, appoint as members of the committee established in terms of subsection (1)
persons who are not members of the local planning authority but the number of
members so appointed shall be less than the number of other members of that
committee who are members of the local planning authority.
(3) A local planning authority may delegate to any of its employees or, in the case of
a local planning authority referred to in subsection (2) of section ten, to any employee
of a local planning authority which is a constituent of the combination, the power to
determine an application which—
(a) is made under Part V or under any order made in terms of that Part or
is made under Part VI; and
(b) relates to land covered by an operative master plan or local plan or an
approved scheme; and
(c) does not in terms of that plan involve special consideration of the
circumstances of the particular case or in terms of that scheme, as the case may be,
require the special consent of the local planning authority:
Provided that an employee, in the exercise of the powers delegated to him in terms of
this subsection, shall not make any decision which conflicts with the operative master
plan or local plan or approved scheme, as the case may be.
(4) Any delegation made in terms of subsection (1) or (3) may be made subject to
such conditions as the local planning authority deems fit and may be amended or
withdrawn at any time:
Provided that any amendment or withdrawal shall not invalidate anything done in
pursuance of a decision lawfully taken by the committee or employee before the date
of such amendment or withdrawal.
(5) Any delegation made in terms of subsection (3) shall be made to the employee
concerned by name or by his official designation.
(6) Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of an employee acting under powers
delegated to him in terms of subsection (3) may, within one month of being notified
of that decision—
(a) appeal in writing to the local planning authority and that authority may
amend or rescind the decision appealed against:
Provided that subsection (12) of section twenty-six or subsection (10) of
section forty, as the case may be, shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in relation to the
amendment by the local planning authority of any permit granted by the employee;
(b) apply to the local planning authority to suspend the decision of the
employee pending the hearing of the appeal in terms of paragraph (a) and that
authority may, if it thinks fit, suspend the decision appealed against.


13. Study of planning area.

(1) A local planning authority shall—
(a) before preparing any master plan or local plan, undertake a study of
the planning area and, to the extent it considers necessary, of any neighbouring area,
examining such matters as it considers may be likely to affect the development or
redevelopment of the area or the planning of its development or redevelopment; and
(b) before altering or replacing any master plan or local plan, undertake, if
it thinks fit, a fresh study of the planning area or any part thereof or of a neighbouring
area, examining the matters referred to in paragraph (a); and
(c) keep under review all matters examined in terms of paragraph (a) or
(2) When examining or reviewing in terms of subsection (1) any matters relating to a
neighbouring area, the local planning authority shall consult with any regional
planning council, local planning authority or local authority which has jurisdiction in
that area concerning those matters.

14. Master plan.

(1) Subject to subsection (6), a local planning authority may at any time and shall, if
so directed by the Minister and within such period as he may direct or any extension
thereof granted by him, whether before or after the expiration of such period, prepare
and submit to the Minister a master plan in respect of the area for which it is the local
planning authority or for such part of that area as the Minister may specify:
Provided that, in the case of a scheduled local planning authority, the references in
this subsection to the Minister shall be read and construed as references to the
Minister of Environment and Tourism.
(2) A master plan prepared in terms of subsection (1) shall—
(a) formulate the policies of that authority and its general proposals for
the planning area in respect of the co-ordinated and harmonious development or
redevelopment and other uses of land, including measures for—
(i) the regulation of the use of land and the construction and use of
buildings; and
(ii) the conservation and improvement of the physical environment,
including the preservation of buildings of special architectural merit or historic
interest; and
(iii) the economic development of the planning area; and
(iv) the movement of traffic therein, including the closure and diversion of
(b) set out the relationship of the proposals referred to in paragraph (a) to
the major proposals for land use and traffic in any neighbouring area which may
affect the planning area; and
(c) indicate the manner in which the policies and proposals referred to in
paragraph (a) are justified by the study in terms of section thirteen and by any other
information obtained by the local planning authority; and
(d) indicate the parts of the planning area which are of high scenic value
and should be protected.
(3) In preparing the master plan, the local planning authority shall—
(a) consult with neighbouring local planning authorities and local
authorities and any other statutory or other body whose activities or plans may affect
the master plan, with the object of ensuring co-ordination of policies; and
(b) have regard to—
(i) the information obtained in the study in terms of section thirteen and
any other information obtained by that authority; and
(ii) the provisions of any regional plan, whether in operation or in the
course of preparation, which may affect the planning area or, in the absence of such
plan, the relationship between the planning area and the surrounding area; and
(iii) the current economic and social circumstances prevailing in the area
and the surrounding areas; and
(iv) the phasing of any development in terms of the master plan, the order
of priorities in respect of the proposals and the reasons therefor; and
(v) the resources likely to be available.
(4) The local planning authority shall indicate in its master plan any part of the
planning area which it has selected for comprehensive development, redevelopment
or improvement as a matter of priority.
(5) The master plan shall consist of a written statement with the proposals therein
being illustrated on a map showing such topographical details and property
boundaries as are appropriate to the scale of the map and being accompanied by such
other maps, diagrams, illustrations and descriptive matter as the local planning
authority considers appropriate.
(6) A master plan may include proposals in relation to any neighbouring area if the
Minister, after consultation with any other local planning authority concerned, has
authorized the local planning authority to include that area within the master plan, but
the inclusion of such neighbouring area shall not be construed as meaning that the
local planning authority which has prepared the master plan shall be the local
planning authority for that neighbouring area for the purposes of any other provision
of this Act.

15. Publicity in connection with master plan.

(1) In formulating, and before finally determining the contents of, the master plan, the
local planning authority shall take such steps as will, in its opinion, ensure that there
is adequate consultation in connection with the matters proposed to be included in the
master plan.
(2) After adopting the master plan but before submitting it in terms of subsection (1)
of section sixteen, the local planning authority shall—
(a) place on public exhibition for two months a copy of the draft master
plan with a statement indicating the time within which objections to, or
representations in connection with, the draft master plan may be made to the Minister,
with copies thereof being sent to the local planning authority; and
(b) give public notice of the place or places at which, and the period for
which, the draft master plan will be exhibited in terms of paragraph (a) and the time
within which objections to, or representations in connection with, the draft master
plan may be made in terms of paragraph (a).
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply to a scheduled local planning authority.

16. Publicity in connection with master plan.

(1) At the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section
fifteen for the making of objections or representations, the local planning authority
shall submit to the Minister—
(a) the draft master plan exhibited in terms of subsection (2) of section
fifteen; and
(b) a report on the study carried out in terms of section thirteen; and
(c) a report on the objections and representations received in terms of
section fifteen indicating therein the views of the local planning authority on such
objections and representations.
(2) The Minister may return a draft master plan submitted in terms of subsection (1)
with directions as to—
(a) the submission to him of additional information;
(b) the giving of further publicity in respect of any particular matter.
(3) In considering a draft master plan submitted or resubmitted in terms of subsection
(1), the Minister shall—
(a) take into account the reports submitted in terms of subsection (1) and
any other matter which appears to him to be relevant, whether or not it was taken into
account by the local planning authority; and
(b) consider any objections or representations made in terms of subsection
(2) of section fifteen and, in so far as they have not been met or withdrawn, may refer
them to the Administrative Court for determination or to a local inquiry for
investigation; and
(c) cause a local inquiry to be made into any matter which, in his opinion,
should be the subject of such an inquiry.
(4) Subject to this section, the Minister may approve a draft master plan submitted or
resubmitted in terms of subsection (1), subject to such modifications or reservations,
if any, as he deems fit, or reject such draft master plan, and shall thereafter give
notice in the Gazette of his decision, which notice shall, if he has approved such draft
master plan, specify the date on which the master plan shall, in terms of subsection
(5) of section seventy-one, become operative.
(5) Subsections (1) to (4) shall not apply to a scheduled local planning authority but,
in the case of such an authority, the draft master plan shall be submitted to the
Minister of Environment and Tourism who, in consultation with the Minister, may
approve the draft master plan subject to such modifications or reservations, if any, as
he deems fit or reject such draft master plan, and shall thereafter give notice in the
Gazette of his decision, which notice shall, if he has approved such draft master plan,
specify the date on which the master plan shall, in terms of subsection (5) of section
seventy-one, become operative.

17. Local plan.

(1) A local planning authority shall at all times keep under review the desirability of
preparing a local plan for any part of the area for which it is the local planning
authority and—
(a) may prepare a local plan for any part of that area:
Provided that—
(i) no local plan shall be prepared in respect of any part of an area for
which a local planning authority has been appointed in terms of paragraph (d) of
subsection (1) of section ten until the master plan prepared by that authority has
become operative;
(ii) a local planning authority, other than a scheduled local planning
authority, shall not prepare a local plan for any part of an area for which there is no
operative master plan without first consulting the Director;
(b) shall, if so directed by the Minister, prepare a local plan for any part of
such area:
Provided that the Minister may not issue a direction in terms of this paragraph
without first consulting the local planning authority;
(c) shall, as soon as practicable after a master plan has become operative,
prepare a local plan in respect of any area selected in terms of subsection (4) of
section fourteen.
(2) Local plans may be prepared for different purposes for the same part of any area.
(3) A local plan shall, in relation to the planning area—
(a) formulate proposals for the co-ordinated and harmonious
development, redevelopment or improvement and other use of land in that area,
including measures for—
(i) the regulation of the use of land and the construction and use of
buildings; and
(ii) the conservation and improvement of the physical environment,
including the preservation of buildings of special architectural merit or historic
interest; and
(iii) the movement of traffic therein, including the closure and diversion of
any road; and
(iv) the phasing of any development, redevelopment or improvement;
(b) concentrate on particular aspects or issues within the area that require
attention and indicate the manner in which these are to be treated; and
(c) where a master plan has been prepared, set out in detail the manner in
which the policy and general proposals of the master plan are to be implemented
within that area.
(4) In formulating its proposals for a local plan the local planning authority shall—
(a) ensure that the proposals conform generally with any regional plan or
master plan, whether in operation or in the course of preparation; and
(b) have regard to any information and other considerations which appear
to that authority to be relevant; and
(c) indicate the manner in which such proposals are justified by the study
in terms of section thirteen.
(5) A local plan shall consist of—
(a) a map of the planning area showing topographical details and property
boundaries; and
(b) a written statement; with the proposals being illustrated by such
additional maps, diagrams, illustrations and descriptive matter as the local planning
authority considers appropriate.

18. Publicity in connection with local plan.

(1) In formulating, and before finally determining, the contents of a local plan, the
local planning authority shall take such steps as will, in its opinion, ensure that there
is adequate consultation in connection with the matters proposed to be included in the
local plan.
(2) When it has adopted a draft local plan, the local planning authority shall—
(a) submit to the Minister a copy of the draft local plan, together with a
report on the study carried out in terms of section thirteen; and
(b) thereafter place on public exhibition for two months a copy of the
draft local plan with a statement indicating the time within which objections to, or
representations in connection with, the draft local plan may be made to that authority;
(c) give public notice of the place or places at which, and the period for
which, the draft local plan will be exhibited in terms of paragraph (b) and the time
within which objections to, or representations in connection with, the draft local plan
may be made to that authority.
(3) In the case of a scheduled local planning authority—
(a) subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply;
(b) in formulating and before finally determining the contents of a local
plan for any area referred to in Part II of the Schedule, the scheduled local planning
authority shall ensure that there is adequate consultation with the rural council or
local board which has jurisdiction over the area concerned in connection with the
matters proposed to be included in the local plan.

19. Consideration of objections and determination of local plan.

(1) The local planning authority shall consider any objection to, or representation in
connection with, a draft local plan made in terms of subsection (2) of section eighteen
(a) in so far as it has not been withdrawn, shall refer any such objection to
the administrative court for determination or to a local inquiry for investigation;
(b) may refer any such representation to a local inquiry for investigation.
(2) Where any objection or representation has been referred to a local inquiry, the
investigator shall, on the completion of his inquiry, report to the local planning
authority which shall—
(a) submit a copy of the report to the Minister, with any comments
thereon it wishes to make; and
(b) thereafter give public notice of the recommendations of the
investigator, indicating in that notice that copies of the report are available for sale to
the public.
(3) A local planning authority shall not approve a draft local plan exhibited in terms
of subsection (2) of section eighteen—
(a) until the expiry of a period of six weeks, or such further period as the
Minister may in any particular case direct, from—
(i) the closing date for objections or representations in terms of
subsection (2) of section eighteen if no such objections or representations have been
received; or
(ii) the date of any notice given in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection
(2); or
(iii) the date notice of any proposed modification to the draft local plan is
submitted to the Minister in terms of proviso (ii) to subsection (4);
whichever is the later; and
(b) unless the draft local plan conforms generally with any operative
regional plan and master plan for the area concerned.
(4) Subject to this section, the local planning authority may, in respect of a draft local
plan which has been exhibited in terms of subsection (2) of section eighteen—
(a) approve the plan in the form in which it was so exhibited or as
modified in order to take into account the report of an investigator in terms of
subsection (2); or
(b) in accordance with the recommendations of an investigator, reject the
and shall give notice in the Gazette of its decision in relation to the local plan and, if
the plan has been approved, of the date on which that plan shall, in terms of
subsection (5) of section seventy-one, become operative:
Provided that—
(i) where any objection has been referred to the Administrative Court for
determination, the local planning authority shall comply with any determination of
the Administrative Court;
(ii) the local planning authority shall give notice to the Minister of any
modification it proposes to make to the draft local plan.
(5) At any time before a draft local plan has been approved in terms of subsection (4),
the Minister may direct that it shall not become operative until it has been approved
by him, whereupon—
(a) subsections (3) and (4) of section sixteen shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, in relation to that local plan; and
(b) subject to paragraph (c), subsections (1), (2), (3) and (4) shall not
apply in relation to that draft local plan; and
(c) where any objections have been referred to the board for
determination or any objections or representations have been referred to a local
inquiry for investigation, the Minister shall act in accordance with the determination
of the administrative court or take into account the report of the investigator, as the
case may be.
(6) Subsections (1) to (5) shall not apply to a scheduled local planning authority but,
in the case of such an authority, the draft local plan shall be submitted to the Minister
of Environment and Tourism who, in consultation with the Minister, may approve the
draft local plan subject to such modifications or reservations, if any, as he deems fit
or reject such draft local plan and shall thereafter give notice in a statutory instrument
of his decision, which notice shall, if he has approved such draft local plan, specify
the date on which the local plan shall, in terms of subsection (5) of section seventyone, become operative.

20. Alteration of master plans and local plans.

(1) After the approval of a master plan or local plan—
(a) the local planning authority shall keep under constant examination and
review factors which affect or are likely to affect the planning area and if, as a result
of such examination or review, the assumptions upon which the master plan or local
plan are based are found to be no longer valid, the local planning authority shall.
consider appropriate proposals for the alteration, repeal or replacement of such plan.
(b) the Minister may at any time require the local planning authority,
other than a scheduled local planning authority, to make proposals for the alteration,
repeal or replacement of the master plan or local plan in relation to such matters and
within such period as he may direct.
(2) Subject to subsection (3)—
(a) sections fifteen and sixteen shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to any
proposals for the alteration, repeal or replacement of a master plan and the local
planning authority shall, in submitting such proposals to the Minister, attach thereto a
report on any study or review in terms of subsection (1) of section thirteen.
(b) sections eighteen and nineteen shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to any
proposals for the alteration, repeal or replacement of a local plan and the local
planning authority shall, in considering such proposals, have regard to the report on
any study or review in terms of subsection (1) of section thirteen.
(3) In the case of any proposed alteration to a master plan or local plan, the Minister
may, upon application by a local planning authority, other than a scheduled local
planning authority, if, in his opinion, the proposed alteration is one which would not
adversely affect the interests or rights of a substantial number of people—
(a) direct that all or any of the provisions of—
(i) section fifteen shall not apply to the proposed alteration of the master
plan; or
(ii) sections eighteen and nineteen shall not apply to the proposed
alteration of the local plan.
as the case may be and
(b) include in his direction the procedure with which the local planning
authority shall comply in respect of the proposed alteration:
Provided that if the Minister has directed that public notice of the proposed alteration
shall not be required to be given, the local planning authority shall give notice of the
proposed alteration to every owner of property adjacent to any land affected by the
proposed alteration.

21. Conflict between master plan and local plan or approved scheme or
between such plan or scheme and any by-laws.

(1) Where there is any conflict between a provision in a master plan and a provision
in a local plan which was operative before the master plan became operative or in an
approved scheme, that provision in the local plan or approved scheme shall, when the
master plan becomes operative, cease to be of effect in so far as—
(a) that provision in the local plan or approved scheme has not been
implemented; or
(b) there is no valid permit or approval in terms of the repealed Act which
authorized the implementation of that provision in the local plan or approved scheme.
(2) If any provision in the by-laws of a local authority conflicts with any provision of
an operative master plan or local plan or an approved scheme, such provision of the
by-laws shall cease to be of force and as soon as the Minister responsible for
approving the by-laws concerned becomes aware of the inconsistency he shall, unless
the local authority amends the by-laws concerned so as to remove the inconsistency,
cause to be published in a statutory instrument a notice repealing the provision.


22. Meaning of “development” in Part V.

(1) Any reference in this Part to development, in relation to any land or building,
means any of the following—
(a) the carrying out in, on, over or under the land of any building or
mining operations, other than—
(i) the carrying out in any building which is not subject to a building
preservation order of any internal works which do not materially affect the external
appearance of that building;
(ii) the carrying out by or on behalf of the authority responsible of any
operations in connection with—
A. the renewal, maintenance or improvement of any existing public utility
service not within a scenic beauty area; or
B. the installation or construction of any new public utility service which
is shown on a general plan or is within a road or is within the area of an operative
master plan or local plan or an approved scheme and accords with that plan or
(iii) the carrying out of any building operations in connection with the use
of any land or building thereon for agricultural purposes unless such operations—
A. are to be carried out within two hundred metres of the centre line of
any main road or district road; or
B. are to be carried out on any property which is less than one hundred
hectares in extent; or
C. are to be carried out in a scenic beauty area;
(b) the altering of the character of the use of any land or building, other
(i) where the existing use and the proposed use both fall within the same
prescribed group of land or building uses;
(ii) the use of any land or building thereon for agricultural purposes
unless such use is to be established on any property which is less than one hundred
hectares in extent.
(c) the deposit of refuse or waste materials on any land;
(d) the use on any land of any vehicle or similar object, whether fixed,
movable or collapsible, as a building for residential or other purposes for a period
exceeding six months or such longer period as the local planning authority may
(e) the use of any building which is designed or has been approved for use
as a dwelling by a single family as two or more separate dwellings;
( f ) the display on any land or the external part of any building of any
advertisement in a manner other than that prescribed.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), any land or building shall be regarded as being
used for agricultural purposes if it is used directly for any of the following—
(a) the production of any agricultural produce;
(b) the storing, curing, grading, packing or other handling or processing
of any agricultural produce which is produced on the land concerned;
(c) any purpose ancillary or incidental to a use specified in paragraph (a)
or (b), other than accommodation and facilities for persons employed directly on the
Provided that any land which is being used as a feed-lot shall not be regarded as
being used for agricultural purposes.
(3) In this section—
“feed-lot” means any land on which there is carried on the business of fattening for
the purpose of slaughter livestock which has been brought on to the land for the
purposes of fattening;
“public utility service” means any of the following services provided in the public
interest by a local authority or statutory body—
(a) roads, railway lines or pipelines;
(b) the generation and supply of electricity or gas;
(c) the storage, purification and supply of water;
(d) radio or telecommunication services;
(e) drainage or sewerage;
and anything ancillary or incidental thereto.

23. Meaning of “development” in Part V.

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), any reference in this Part to existing
development means a reference to any development which—
(a) was commenced before the appointed day and was not commenced in
contravention of the repealed Act; or
(b) accords with the terms of a permit or development order;
(c) accords with the terms of an approval granted pursuant to an
application determined in accordance with paragraph (g) of section seventy-six.
(2) Any use or operations referred to in subsection (1) which have ceased for a
continuous period of more than two years shall thereafter cease to be regarded for the
purpose of this Part as existing development.
(3) Any development referred to in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) which was in
contravention of any condition specified in the deed of grant issued in relation to the
land concerned shall not be regarded for the purposes of this Part as existing

24. Meaning of “development” in Part V.

(1) Unless permitted in terms of a development order and subject to this Act and any
such development order, no person shall carry out any development, other than
development which—
(a) was commenced before the appointed day and did not require any
approval in terms of the repealed Act; or
(b) is carried out in accordance with an approval issued under the
repealed Act:
Provided that, save in the case of an approval in terms of paragraph (g) of
section seventy-six, any such approval shall cease on the termination of a period of
four years from the appointed day if the terms of that approval have not been
implemented before that date; or
(c) is carried out on a mining location and is permitted in terms of the
Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05]; or
(d) is carried out in accordance with the terms of a permit.
(2) Notwithstanding any operative regional plan, master plan or local plan or
approved scheme, in relation to existing development, the following may, subject to
subsections (1) and (3), be carried out—
(a) the substitution of a new building erected in place of an existing
building which has been destroyed or demolished if—
(i) the new building is designed for the same purposes as the existing
building; and
(ii) the erection of the new building is commenced within eighteen
months of the destruction or demolition of the existing building or such longer period
as the local planning authority may allow; and
(iii) the total floor area of the new building does not exceed by more than
ten per centum the total floor area of the existing building immediately before its
destruction or demolition;
(b) the enlargement, improvement or other alteration of any existing
building or a new building referred to in paragraph (a) if the total floor area of such
building, inclusive of any such enlargement, improvement or other alteration, does
not at any time exceed by more than ten per centum the total floor area of—
(i) the existing building when, or upon its completion after, it first
acquired the right to be termed existing development in terms of the definition thereof
in section twenty-three; or
(ii) the existing building immediately before its destruction or demolition
prior to the erection of the new building; as the case may be; or
(c) in the case of any building referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) or any
building which has not previously been used, the use of that building for any purpose
for which it was designed and for any other purpose which falls within the same
group of prescribed building or land uses as the purpose for which that building was
originally designed.
(3) A local planning authority may refuse a permit for the development referred to in
subsection (2) or may permit it subject to such conditions as it may deem fit to
impose, but the owner whose property is injuriously affected by such refusal or any
conditions so imposed shall, if he makes a claim within six months of receiving
notice of such decision, be entitled, notwithstanding section fifty-two to recover from
the local planning authority compensation in terms of section fifty in respect of that
injurious affection:
Provided that no compensation shall be payable if the application was for a permit to
erect a new building in substitution for a building which—
(a) constitutes or constituted existing development referred to in
paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section twenty-three; and
(b) is or was situated within two hundred metres of the centre line of a
main road or district road; and
(c) in the opinion of the local planning authority—
(i) is or was not of a permanent nature; and
(ii) is or was undesirable because of its nature or siting; and
(iii) would not have been permitted if at the time of its erection this Act
had been in force and a permit for the erection thereof had been required.

25. Development orders.

(1) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, issue a development order specifying
what development or what class of development shall, subject to subsection (2) of
section thirty, be permitted within the area specified in that order.
(2) A development order in terms of subsection (1) may—
(a) be a general order applicable to all areas or a special order applicable
to a specified area; and
(b) include conditions or limitations subject to which any development is
Provided that before issuing a development order which is a special order, the
Minister shall consult with the local planning authority concerned.
(3) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, amend, repeal or replace a
development order but any such amendment, repeal or replacement shall not affect
anything done in terms of the development order prior to its amendment, repeal or

26. Application for permit or preliminary planning permission.

(1) An application for a permit or preliminary planning permission shall be made to
the local planning authority in such manner and shall contain such information as
may be prescribed and shall be accompanied by the consent in writing of—
(a) the owner of the land; and
(b) where the application relates to development which involves an
(i) in the character of the use of any land or building; or
(ii) in the conditions of title to the property;
the holder of any real right registered over the property concerned:
Provided that the local planning authority may dispense with any consent required in
terms of this subsection if it is satisfied that—
(a) the applicant has made all reasonable attempts to ascertain the address
of the person whose consent is required and has been unable to do so; or
(b) the person whose consent is required has unreasonably failed or
refused to give his consent and that the permit, if granted, would not prejudice the
rights of such person.
(2) On receipt of an application in terms of subsection (1) the local planning authority
shall examine it and shall—
(a) within two weeks acknowledge receipt of the application unless the
application is incomplete in which case it shall acknowledge receipt thereof as soon
as the application is satisfactory; and
(b) in its acknowledgement in terms of paragraph (a), draw to the
attention of the applicant subsection (7) and, in the case of a deemed refusal in terms
of that subsection, his right of appeal to the Administrative Court in terms of section
thirty-eight; and
(c) if the application relates to development—
(i) within two hundred metres of the centre line of any State road; or
(ii) within the obstacle limitation area of an aerodrome; or
(iii) on any land which is adjacent to land which is within the area under
the jurisdiction of another local planning authority;
as soon as it has acknowledged receipt of the application advise the Minister
responsible for roads, the Minister responsible for aviation or the neighbouring local
planning authority, as the case may be, of the proposed development.
(3) Where an application in terms of subsection (1)—
(a) may, in terms of an operative master plan or local plan or an approved
scheme, only be granted by the local planning authority—
(i) after special consideration of the circumstances of the particular case;
(ii) in the case of such scheme, by special consent of the local planning
(b) relates to development which does not conform to the development
existing or normally permitted in the area; or
(c) relates to development which could, in the opinion of the local
planning authority, have an adverse effect or important impact on the locality or the
area generally; or
(d) relates to development which conflicts with any condition which is
registered against the title deed of the property concerned and confers a right which
may be enforced by the owner of another property;
the local planning authority shall require the applicant, at his own expense, to give
public notice of the application and to serve notice of the application on every owner
of property adjacent to the land to which the application relates and such other owners
as the local planning authority may direct and to submit proof that such notice has
been given.
(4) If any objections to, or representations in connection with, an application in terms
of subsection (1) are received by the local planning authority—
(a) within one month of the date on which public notice of the application
was given in terms of subsection (3); or
(b) from a Minister or local planning authority which has been advised in
terms of paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of the application, within the period referred
to in paragraph (a) or, if no public notice of the application was given, within one
month of that Minister or local planning authority receiving such advice;
the local planning authority shall advise the applicant of the nature of the objections
and representations and afford him an opportunity of submitting any comments
thereon before the application is determined.
(5) In considering whether to grant or refuse, in accordance with the provisions of
subsection (6), an application in terms of subsection (1), the local planning authority
shall examine whether the proposed development would—
(a) generate the need for additional land being acquired for—
(i) local authority purposes, including the provision of housing; or
(ii) the provision or expansion of educational facilities or police stations;
(b) result in additional or premature expenditure by the local authority on
the provision of new roads or the improvement of existing roads, the provision of
parking facilities or sewerage or drainage services or the supply of electricity, gas or
and may, if it grants the application, fix as a condition of the permit that the applicant
meets or assists in meeting the cost of acquiring the additional land referred to in
paragraph (a) and additionally, or alternatively, of providing or improving the
facilities or services referred to in paragraph (b), whether on or off the site of the
proposed development.
(6) Subject to subsection (2) of section twenty-four, the local planning authority may,
subject to this section and of sections twenty-nine and thirty and of any operative
regional plan, master plan or local plan or any approved scheme—
(a) grant—
(i) a permit; or
(ii) preliminary planning permission, whether the application was for a
permit or preliminary planning permission, and require a detailed application to be
submitted in terms of subsection (11);
subject to such conditions as it thinks fit; or
(b) refuse to grant a permit or preliminary planning permission and shall
give to the applicant in writing its reasons for the refusal.
(7) If the local planning authority has not determined in terms of subsection (6) an
application in terms of subsection (1) within three months of the date of
acknowledgement in terms of subsection (2) of the receipt of the application or any
extension of that period granted by the applicant in writing, the application shall be
deemed to have been refused by the local planning authority.
(8) A permit or preliminary planning permission granted in terms of this section shall
state the purpose for which it was granted and, in the case of a permit—
(a) shall include conditions which—
(i) where appropriate, include the requirement referred to in subsection
(5) of section thirty; and
(ii) specify the period or any extension thereof granted by the local
planning authority in writing within which the development concerned or any agreed
phase thereof shall be implemented; and
(iii) relate to such other matters, including the lodging of security or the
furnishing of sureties, as may be prescribed;
(b) may include conditions which relate to any other matter which the
local planning authority thinks fit, including, without derogation from the generality
of the foregoing—
(i) the making of any payments required in terms of subsection (5);
(ii) the regulation of the development of any land or requiring the
carrying out of any works in so far as it appears to the local planning authority to be
expedient for the purpose of, or in connection with, the development so authorized;
(iii) requiring the removal of any building or works so authorized or the
discontinuance of any use of any land or building or any operations so authorized on
the expiration of a specified period and the carrying out of specified works for the
reinstatement of the land at the expiration of that period;
(iv) the exclusion of compensation being payable in respect of any
development which is carried out on or adjacent to land which is subsequently
acquired in terms of this Act in circumstances where that development has been
permitted in an area where such development would otherwise be prohibited;
(c) may indicate the extent to which the local planning authority would
consider sympathetically an application for the construction of additional buildings or
the use of additional land for a purpose ancillary to, or of a nature similar to, the
development so authorized.
(9) Where a local planning authority grants a permit for any development which
conflicts with any condition registered against the title deed to the property
concerned, that authority shall, at the expiration of the period allowed in terms of
subsection (1) of section thirty-eight for an appeal, submit to the Registrar of Deeds a
copy of the permit:
Provided that, if within that period an appeal is lodged in terms of section thirty-eight,
the local planning authority shall not submit the copy of the permit unless the order of
the board authorizes the development specified in the permit or the appeal is
withdrawn or abandoned.
(10) Subject to section thirty-eight, on receipt of any permit submitted in terms of
subsection (9) the Registrar of Deeds shall delete from the relevant title deed any
condition which conflicts with the permit.
(11) Where the local planning authority has, in terms of subparagraph (ii) of
paragraph (a) of subsection (6), required a detailed application to be submitted—
(a) it shall notify the applicant in writing of the matters which should be
included in the detailed application; and
(b) within six months of such notification or such longer period as the
local planning authority may in writing agree, the applicant shall submit a detailed
application in accordance with the requirements of that authority; and
(c) the local planning authority shall grant a permit subject to such
conditions as it thinks fit:
Provided that if an application is not received within the period or does not accord
with the requirements referred to in paragraph (b), the application in terms of
subsection (1) shall be deemed to have been withdrawn and the preliminary planning
permission shall be deemed to have been cancelled.
(12) A local planning authority may amend a permit granted in terms of this section
or any conditions thereof if—
(a) the holder of the permit agrees to such amendment; and
(b) in the opinion of the local planning authority the amendment is of a
minor nature and does not materially alter the effect of the permit originally granted.

27. Regularization of buildings, uses or operations.

Where any development has been carried out in contravention of section twenty-four
an application may be made in terms of section twenty-six in respect of that
development and the local planning authority shall deal with that application in terms
of that section but any permit granted thereunder shall take effect from the date on
which the buildings were constructed, the operations were carried out or the use was
instituted, as the case may be.

28. Development for State purposes.

(1) In undertaking any development for State purposes, the State shall have regard to
any operative regional plan.
(2) If a proposal for any development for State purposes conflicts with an operative
master plan or local plan or an approved scheme—
(a) the Minister concerned shall consult with the Minister; and
(b) the Minister shall consult with the local planning authority concerned;
in relation to the proposed development.

29. Powers of Minister re applications in terms of section 26 (1).

(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Part, the Minister may,
if he is satisfied, having regard to the national or regional implications, that it is in the
public interest to do so, give directions to a local planning authority—
(a) that any application or class of applications made in terms of
subsection (1) of section twenty-six and specified in the direction shall be referred to
him for determination instead of being dealt with by the local planning authority;
(b) restricting or regulating the granting of any permit or preliminary
planning permission in respect of any type of development specified in the direction.
(2) Where an application has been referred to the Minister in terms of paragraph (a)
of subsection (1), section twenty-six shall thereafter apply, mutatis mutandis, in
relation to the application and the powers of the Minister:
Provided that, if the granting of such an application would conflict with an operative
master plan or local plan or an approved scheme, the local planning authority shall be
consulted before any permit or preliminary planning permission is granted.
(3) Where any objections or representations have been received in connection with
an application which is being considered by the Minister in terms of subsection (2),
the Minister may refer them to an advisory board before determining the application.
(4) The decision of the Minister on an application referred to him in terms of
subsection (1) shall be final.

30. Orders for preservation of buildings of special architectural merit or historic interest.

(1) Subject to section fifty the local planning authority may serve on the owner and
the occupier of a building which, in the opinion of the local planning authority, is of
special architectural merit or historic interest an order restricting the demolition,
alteration or extension of that building:
Provided that such an order may not be made in respect of—
(a) a monument which has been or is deemed to have been declared, in
terms of subsection (1) of section 20 of the National Museums and Monuments Act
[Chapter 25:11], to be a national monument;
(b) a building not referred to in paragraph (a) unless the Executive
Director of Museums has been consulted and any conditions stipulated by him are
incorporated in the building preservation order.
(2) Notwithstanding any development order—
(a) a building preservation order may require that the consent of the local
planning authority shall be obtained before any works specified in the building
preservation order are executed; and
(b) where any works have been executed in contravention of the building
preservation order, sections thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four and thirty-seven shall
apply, mutatis mutandis.
(3) Where a building preservation order has been made, the local planning authority
shall, at the expiry of the period allowed for appeals in terms of subsection (1) of
section thirty-eight, submit to the Registrar of Deeds a copy of the order:
Provided that, if within that period an appeal is lodged in terms of section thirty-eight,
the local planning authority shall not submit the copy of the order unless the
Administrative Court rejects the appeal or the appeal is withdrawn or abandoned.
(4) Subject to section thirty-eight, on receipt of an order submitted in terms of
subsection (3), the Registrar of Deeds shall endorse the title deed to the property
concerned with the particulars of the order.
(5) The local planning authority shall, before issuing a permit in respect of an
application for development which involves the demolition of the whole or a portion
of a building in respect of which a building preservation order has been made, notify
the Executive Director of Museums and, if he so requires, such permit shall include a
condition requiring the applicant to afford reasonable access to the building to be
demolished for the Executive Director of Museums or any member of his staff for
such period as may be stated, not exceeding one month from the date of the permit.
(6) Where the local planning authority issues a permit in respect of an application for
development which involves the demolition of the whole or a portion of a building in
respect of which a building preservation order has been made, the local planning
authority shall—
(a) where the demolition of the whole of the building is involved, notify
the Registrar of Deeds of the permit who shall cancel the endorsement referred to in
subsection (4);
(b) where the demolition of a portion of the building is involved, issue an
appropriately amended building preservation order and this section shall, thereafter
apply mutatis mutandis, in respect of that order as if it were the original building
preservation order:
Provided that no appeal shall lie against the issue of an amended preservation order in
terms of section thirty-eight and subsections (3) and (4) shall be construed in relation
to an amended building preservation order accordingly.

31. Preservation of trees and woodlands.

(1) Subject to section fifty, a local planning authority may serve on the owner and the
occupier of any land an order for the preservation of natural forest, trees or
woodlands or any tree on that land.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), where an order has been served in terms of subsection
(1) no person shall cut down, top, lop, injure or destroy any natural forest, tree or
woodland on the land to which that order relates except—
(a) in compliance with an obligation imposed by law; or
(b) to such extent as may be permissible in pursuance of a right to abate a
nuisance or as may be necessary to prevent it constituting an obstruction or nuisance
or causing injury to passers-by; or
(c) with the consent of, and in compliance with any conditions fixed by,
the local planning authority.
(3) Subsection (2) shall not apply to a local authority or statutory body in so far as it
is exercising powers conferred on it by any enactment.

32. Enforcement orders.

(1) If it appears to the local planning authority that any development has been or is
being carried out in contravention of this Act, it may, if it considers it expedient,
having regard to the provisions of any operative master plan or local plan or an
approved scheme and to any other material considerations, serve upon the owner of
the land concerned and upon any other person who, in the opinion of the authority,
will be affected thereby an order which—
(a) states the nature of the contravention; and
(b) specifies the action required to be taken by the person or persons
specified in the order within such period as may be specified therein:
Provided that, where the owner of the land concerned is specified in the order,
the order shall have effect as though it specified any successor in title to the land.
(2) Without derogation from the generality of paragraph (b) of subsection (1), an
enforcement order may require—
(a) the submission of an application in accordance with section twentyseven for a permit;
(b) the restoration of the land concerned to its condition before the
development took place or as may be required for securing compliance with the
conditions of the permit, as the case may be;
(c) the demolition or alteration of any building;
(d) the discontinuance of any operations on or of any use of the land
concerned or of any use of any building thereon;
(e) the carrying out on the land concerned of any building or other
(3) Subject to section thirty-four, an enforcement order shall not become operative
until the expiry of such period, being not less than one month from the date the order
was served, as may be specified therein:
Provided that if any person on whom the order is served appeals in terms of section
thirty-eight against the order, the operation of the order shall be suspended until such
time as the appeal is finally determined or is withdrawn or abandoned.
(4) Where an enforcement order has become operative, the local planning authority
shall submit to the Registrar of Deeds a copy of the order.
(5) Subject to section thirty-eight, on receipt of an order submitted in terms of
subsection (4), the Registrar of Deeds shall endorse the title deed to the property
concerned with the particulars of the order.
(6) Where an enforcement order will affect a substantial number of persons in a
particular area, the local planning authority may publish it in a newspaper circulating
in the area and such publication shall be deemed to constitute service of the
enforcement order on the persons concerned in that particular area.

33. Enforcement order to have effect against subsequent development.

(1) Compliance with an enforcement order in respect of—
(a) the demolition or alteration of any building; or
(b) the discontinuance of any use of any land or building or of any
operations; or
(c) any other requirement contained in the enforcement order, not being a
requirement specified in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section thirty-two;
shall not discharge the enforcement order.
(2) Without derogation from the generality of the provisions of subsection (1)—
(a) any provision of an enforcement order requiring a particular use of
any land or building or particular operations to be discontinued shall operate as a
requirement that such use or operations shall be discontinued permanently to the
extent that it is or they are in contravention of the provisions of this Act and
accordingly the resumption of that use or those operations at any time after it has or
they have been discontinued in compliance with the enforcement order shall
constitute an offence in terms of subsection (3) of section thirty-seven;
(b) if any development is carried out by way of reinstating or restoring
any building which has been demolished or altered in compliance with an
enforcement order, the order shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in relation to the building
as reinstated or restored and, subject to subsection (3), subsections (1) and (2) of
section thirty-seven shall apply, mutatis mutandis.
(3) Where at any time after an enforcement order becomes operative—
(a) any development is carried out by way of reinstating or restoring any
building which has been demolished or altered in compliance with the enforcement
order; and
(b) the local planning authority proposes to take action in terms of
subsection (1) of section thirty-seven for the demolition or alteration of the building
in consequence of the reinstatement or restoration;
the local planning authority shall, not less than one month before taking any such
action, serve upon the owner of the land concerned and upon any other person who,
in the opinion of that authority, will be affected thereby notice of the action it
proposes to take.
(4) Any person who, without the necessary permit, carries out any development by
way of reinstating or restoring any building which has been demolished or altered in
compliance with an enforcement order shall be guilty of an offence.

34. Prohibition orders.

(1) At the date of issuing an enforcement order or at any time thereafter before the
enforcement order becomes operative, the local planning authority may, subject to
section fifty, serve upon any person upon whom the enforcement order was served an
order prohibiting the continuation of such operations or use as may be specified in the
order, being operations which are or use which is the subject of the enforcement
(2) A prohibition order—
(a) shall specify the date when, notwithstanding any appeal against the
enforcement order, it shall become operative; and
(b) shall cease to be operative—
(i) upon its withdrawal by the local planning authority by notice served
on all persons upon whom the prohibition order was served; or
(ii) when the enforcement order becomes operative or is set aside.

35. Powers to remove, demolish or alter existing buildings or discontinuer modify uses or operations or require abatement of injury.

(1) Subject to this section, a local planning authority may—
(a) upon compensation being paid in terms of section fifty except as
otherwise provided in subsection (4) of section fifty-two—
(i) remove, demolish or alter any building which constitutes existing
(ii) by order, require the discontinuance of any use or operations;
(iii) by order, impose any conditions subject to which any use or
operations shall continue, in which case such order shall, upon it becoming operative,
be deemed, for the purposes of this Part, to be a permit issued subject to the
conditions so imposed;
(b) without payment of compensation, by order, require any owner of
land at his own expense to take such action as may be specified in the order to abate
any injury caused to the amenities of any other land by—
(i) the ruinous or neglected condition of any building or fence; or
(ii) the objectionable or neglected condition of the land.
(2) Before taking any action in terms of subsection (1), the local planning authority
shall serve notice upon the owner of the land concerned and upon any other person
who, in the opinion of that authority, will be affected thereby, specifying—
(a) the nature of, and the grounds upon which it proposes to take, that
action; and
(b) the period within which an appeal may be lodged in terms of section
(3) A local planning authority may only take action in terms of paragraph (a) of
subsection (1) if—
(a) the action is necessary to make the land or buildings concerned
conform to an operative master plan or local plan or an approved scheme; or
(b) it appears to that authority expedient in the interests of the proper
planning of the area, having regard to any master plan, local plan or scheme, any
outline plan referred to in paragraph (b) of section seventy-five and any other material
considerations, and the Minister has consented to the action proposed.
(4) Before giving his consent in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (3), the Minister
may require—
(a) the local planning authority to give public notice or notice to such
persons as he may direct of the nature of the action which the local planning authority
proposes to take and the grounds therefor; and
(b) that any notice given in terms of paragraph (a) shall provide for the
lodging of objections within a minimum period of not less than one month and that
any objections so lodged shall be submitted to the Minister for consideration.
(5) If an appeal is lodged in terms of section thirty-eight in respect of a notice given
in terms of this section, the President of the Administrative Court may, before the
Administrative Court considers the appeal, require—
(a) the local planning authority to give public notice or notice to such
persons as he may direct of the nature of the action which the local planning authority
proposes to take and the grounds therefor; and
(b) that any notice given in terms of paragraph (a) shall provide for the
lodging of objections within a minimum period of not less than one month and that
any objections so lodged shall be submitted to the Administrative Court for
Provided that the President of the Administrative Court shall not require any notice to
be given in terms of this subsection if the Minister has required similar notice to be
given in terms of subsection (4) in respect of the same matter.
(6) If an owner of land to whom an order has been given in terms of paragraph (b) of
subsection (1) fails to comply with the requirements of that order within the time
specified therein, the local planning authority may take the action specified in the
order on behalf of the owner and recover from the owner the costs incurred by action
in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(7) Subsection (2) of section thirty-seven shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to an action
referred to in subsection (6).

36. Power of local planning authority to enter into agreements with
owners of existing developments.

A local planning authority may, if it thinks fit and after giving public notice of its
intention, enter into an agreement with—
(a) the owner of any building which constitutes existing development; or
(b) the owner of any property who has established a use which constitutes
or operations which constitute existing development;
where such building, use or operations do not conform to or contravene any
provisions of an operative master plan or local plan or an approved scheme, to the
effect that no action shall be taken by the local planning authority in terms of section
thirty-five for such period, not exceeding twenty-five years, as may be specified in
the agreement and section fifty-one shall in such circumstances apply.

37. Non-compliance with orders of local planning authority.

A local planning authority may, if it thinks fit and after giving public notice of its
intention, enter into an agreement with—
(a) the owner of any building which constitutes existing development; or
(b) the owner of any property who has established a use which constitutes
or operations which constitute existing development;
where such building, use or operations do not conform to or contravene any
provisions of an operative master plan or local plan or an approved scheme, to the
effect that no action shall be taken by the local planning authority in terms of section
thirty-five for such period, not exceeding twenty-five years, as may be specified in
the agreement and section fifty-one shall in such circumstances apply.

38. Appeals.

(1) Any person—
(a) who is aggrieved by any decision made or deemed to have been made
by a local planning authority in connection with an application for—
(i) a permit or preliminary planning permission; or
(ii) any permission required in terms of a development order, building
preservation order or tree preservation order; or
(iii) an extension of time as contemplated in paragraph (d) of subsection
(1) of section twenty-two or subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of
section twenty-four;
may, within one month from the notification of such decision; or
(b) upon whom—
(i) a building preservation order; or
(ii) a tree preservation order; or
(iii) an enforcement order; or
(iv) a notice in terms of section thirty-five;
has been served or who is otherwise aggrieved by such order or notice, may, within
one month from the serving of the order or notice; or
(c) who is permitted in regulations made in terms of section sixty-eight to
appeal in respect of any matter specified in such regulations may, within the period
provided for in such regulations;
or such longer period as the President of the Administrative Court may in writing
authorize, appeal to the Administrative Court in such manner as may be prescribed in
rules and the Administrative Court may make such order as it deems fit.
(2) The Administrative Court shall not be required to entertain an appeal in terms of
subsection (1) if—
(a) it appears to the President of the Administrative Court that, having
regard to the provisions of—
(i) section twenty-six and any operative master plan or local plan or
approved scheme; and
(ii) the appropriate development order; and
(iii) any regulations controlling development and any directions given by
the Minister in terms of this Act in regard to development;
permission for the development could not have been granted or could only have been
granted subject to the conditions imposed; or
(b) in the case of an appeal in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (1), the
application has been refused by the local planning authority and it appears to the
President of the Administrative Court that—
(i) the appellant had previously made a similar application under this Act
or the repealed Act which had also been refused by the local planning authority; and
(ii) there were no material changes between the first and the second
(3) Where on an appeal the Administrative Court makes an order which varies any
permit or permission referred to in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) or any order or
notice referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (1), that permit, permission, order or
notice, as the case may be, shall be treated, for the purposes of this Act, as though it
had been granted or made as so varied.
(4) A person who has lodged an appeal in terms of subsection (1) may apply to the
President of the Administrative Court for an order to suspend the operation of any
permit, permission, order or notice to which the appeal relates and—
(a) subject to subsection (5), the President of the Administrative Court
may, if he thinks fit, order that the operation of such permit, permission, order or
notice shall be suspended; and
(b) where the President of the Administrative Court has issued an order in
terms of paragraph (a), the permit, permission, order or notice concerned shall,
subject to any terms and conditions fixed in that order, not be of force or effect until
such time as the appeal has been finally determined, withdrawn or abandoned or the
order has been revoked, as the case may be.
(5) The President of the Administrative Court may—
(a) make an order in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (4) subject to
such terms and conditions as he thinks fit;
(b) at any time after notice to the applicant, revoke an order in terms of
paragraph (a) of subsection (4).


39. No subdivision or consolidation without permit.

(1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall—
(a) subdivide any property; or
(b) enter into any agreement—
(i) for the change of ownership of any portion of a property; or
(ii) for the lease of any portion of a property for a period of ten years or
more or for the lifetime of the lessee; or
(iii) conferring on any person a right to occupy any portion of a property
for a period of ten years or more or for his lifetime; or
(iv) for the renewal of the lease of, or right to occupy, any portion of a
property where the aggregate period of such lease or right to occupy, including the
period of the renewal, is ten years or more;
(c) consolidate two or more properties into one property;
except in accordance with a permit granted in terms of section forty:
Provided that an undivided share in any property, whether or not it is coupled with an
exclusive right of occupation, shall not be regarded for the purposes of this subsection
as a portion of that property.
(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to—
(a) land within the area under the jurisdiction of a municipal council or
town council which is owned by the municipality or town concerned; or
(b) land within a local government area administered and controlled by a
local authority which is owned by that local authority or by the State; or
(c) an agreement for the lease of, or right to occupy, any building or
portion of a building where the occupation thereof in terms of that agreement would
not be inconsistent with any operative master plan or local plan applicable to, or any
condition registered against the title to, the property concerned.
(d) land which is to be alienated by the State subject to the condition that
it shall be consolidated with other land;
(e) land which falls within the jurisdiction of a municipality or town
which is to be alienated by the municipality or town subject to the condition that it
shall be consolidated with other land.

40. Application for permit.

(1) An application for a permit to do any thing specified in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of
subsection (1) of section thirty-nine shall be made to the local planning authority in
such manner and shall contain such information as may be prescribed and shall be
(a) by the consent in writing of the owner of the property and of every
holder of a mortgage bond registered over the property; and
(b) if so required by the local planning authority, the consent in writing of
the holder of any other real right registered over the property.
(2) On receipt of an application in terms of subsection (1) the local planning authority
shall examine it and shall—
(a) within two weeks acknowledge receipt of the application unless the
application is incomplete in which case it shall acknowledge receipt thereof as soon
as the application is satisfactory; and
(b) in its acknowledgement in terms of paragraph (a), draw to the
attention of the applicant the provisions of subsection (6) and, in the case of a deemed
refusal in terms of that subsection, his right of appeal to the Administrative Court in
terms of section forty-four; and
(c) if the application relates to the subdivision of any property adjacent to
any State road or within the obstacle limitation area of an aerodrome, as soon as it has
acknowledged receipt of the application, advise the Minister responsible for roads or
the Minister responsible for aviation, as the case may be, of the proposed subdivision.
(3) Where an application in terms of subsection (1)—
(a) involves any proposal which conflicts with any condition which is
registered against the title deed of the property concerned and which confers a right
that may be enforced by the owner of another property; or
(b) proposes any use which, in terms of an operative master plan or local
plan or an adopted scheme or approved scheme, may only be granted by the local
planning authority—
(i) after special consideration of the circumstances of the particular case;
(ii) in the case of such scheme, by special consent;
(c) proposes any use or subdivision in an area for which there is no
operative master plan or local plan or approved scheme and the use is materially
different from, or the size of any proposed subdivision for residential purposes is
substantially smaller than, the use or size of residential properties, as the case may be,
generally existing in the area;
the local planning authority shall require the applicant, at his own expense, to give
public notice of the application and to serve notice of the application on every owner
of property adjacent to the property to which the application relates and such other
owners as the local planning authority may direct and to submit proof that such notice
has been given.
(4) If any objections to, or representations in connection with, an application in terms
of subsection (1) are received by the local planning authority—
(a) within one month of the date on which public notice of the application
was given in terms of subsection (3); or
(b) from the Minister responsible for roads or the Minister responsible for
aviation after he has been advised in terms of paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of the
application, within the period referred to in paragraph (a) or, if no public notice of the
application was given, within one month of that Minister receiving such advice;
the local planning authority shall advise the applicant of the nature of the objections
and representations and afford him an opportunity of submitting any comments
thereon before the application is determined.
(5) The local planning authority may, subject to the provisions of this section and of
section forty-one and of any operative regional plan, master plan or local plan or any
approved scheme—
(a) grant a permit subject to such conditions as it thinks fit:
Provided that:
(i) a permit authorizing the subdivision of, or an agreement such as is
referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section thirty-nine in relation to,
property outside the area under the jurisdiction of a municipal council or town council
which is used or to be used for agricultural purposes such as are referred to in
subsection (2) of section twenty-two or a feed-lot as defined in subsection (3) of that
section shall not be granted without the recommendation of the Minister responsible
for agriculture; or
(ii) a permit authorizing the subdivision of any property shall require that
the survey records concerned which are required in terms of the Land Survey Act
[Chapter 20:12] shall be submitted to the Surveyor-General within the period
specified in the permit or such extension of that period as the local planning authority
may authorize;
(b) refuse to grant a permit and shall give to the applicant in writing its
reasons for the refusal.
(6) If the local planning authority has not determined in terms of subsection (5) an
application in terms of subsection (1) within four months of the date of
acknowledgement in terms of subsection (2) of the receipt of the application or any
extension of that period granted by the applicant in writing, the application shall be
deemed to have been refused by the local planning authority.
(7) Where a local planning authority grants a permit in terms of subsection (5), or
authorizes an extension of the period within which the survey records shall be
submitted to the Surveyor-General in terms of proviso (ii) to paragraph (a) of
subsection (5) or amends a permit in terms of subsection (10), it shall send a copy of
the permit, authority or amendment, as the case may be—
(a) to the Surveyor-General and the Registrar of Deeds; and
(b) if the Minister is the local planning authority for the purposes of this
Part, to the local authority within whose area of jurisdiction the property is situated;
(c) to such other persons as may be prescribed.
(8) Where an appeal in connection with the grant of a permit in terms of this section
is lodged in terms of section forty-five, the local planning authority which granted the
permit shall, within seven days of the receipt of the appeal, notify in writing the
Surveyor-General and the Registrar of Deeds accordingly and shall likewise notify
such persons of the result of the appeal.
(9) Where the requirements referred to in proviso (ii) to paragraph (a) of subsection
(5) in relation to a permit are not complied with within the specified period or such
extension of that period as the local planning authority may grant, the permit shall be
deemed to be revoked.
(10) A local planning authority may amend a permit granted in terms of this section
(a) the holder of the permit agrees to such amendment; and
(b) in the opinion of the local planning authority the amendment does not
materially alter the effect of the permit originally granted; and
(c) the amendment is not inconsistent with any survey records approved
by the Surveyor-General; and
(d) no rectification of any register in a deeds registry is involved.

41. Setting aside of land and payment of moneys.

(1) A permit authorizing the subdivision of any property may, subject to this section,
include conditions requiring the owner of the property—
(a) to set aside land for road purposes; and
(b) to do any one of the following—
(i) to set aside for public purposes the prescribed percentage of the land
covered by subdivisions; or
(ii) to pay to the appropriate authority the prescribed percentage of the
value of each subdivision, excluding the value of any improvements on the
subdivision, at the date of its disposal; or
(iii) to set aside for public purposes a percentage of the land covered by
subdivisions which is less than the prescribed percentage and to pay to the
appropriate authority a percentage of the value of each subdivision, excluding the
value of any improvements on the subdivision, at the date of its disposal, the lastmentioned percentage being equal to the difference between the percentage of the
land so set aside and the prescribed percentage.
(2) Where land is set aside in terms of subsection (1)—
(a) it shall, subject to subsection (3), be acquired free of cost by the
appropriate authority; and
(b) the ownership thereof shall immediately upon the approval of the
survey records concerned in terms of the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12] vest in the
appropriate authority.
(3) Where any land is set aside in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) for the
purposes of a road which exceeds twenty-four metres in width, the area of land in
excess of that which would have been required had the road been twenty-four metres
in width may—
(a) subject to the limitations specified in paragraph (b) of subsection (1),
be acquired in terms of the said paragraph (b) as if such excess land were being
acquired for public purposes; or
(b) be acquired in terms of paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (2) of
section forty-five.
(4) No condition such as is referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) may be
(a) in respect of any subdivision twenty hectares or more in extent; or
(b) if the permit is to subdivide a property which is a consolidation of two
or more pieces of land into not more than the same number of pieces which were so
consolidated unless a condition similar to that referred to in paragraph (b) of
subsection (1) was previously imposed in terms of this section or the repealed Act
upon the pieces of land which have been so consolidated and such condition has not
been fulfilled.
(5) Subject to subsection (6), the value of any subdivision for the purposes of
paragraph (b) of subsection (1) shall be determined in relation to the land concerned,
without any improvements, in accordance with the following provisions—
(a) subject to paragraph (c), if the value of the land has been assessed by
the Registrar of Deeds for the purposes of the payment of duty in terms of Chapter II
of the Finance Act [Chapter 23:04], the value as so assessed shall be deemed to be the
value of such subdivision;
(b) subject to paragraph (c), if the value of the land has not been assessed
as referred to in paragraph (a)—
(i) where there is a purchase price in money for such land, such purchase
price shall be deemed to be the value of such subdivision;
(ii) where there is no purchase price in money for such land, the value of
such subdivision shall be that agreed with the appropriate authority;
(c) if—
(i) the appropriate authority is of the opinion that the value in terms of
paragraph (a) or subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) does not reflect the fair and just
value of the subdivision; or
(ii) there is no agreement as provided in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph
the appropriate authority shall obtain from the Chief Valuation Officer of the
Government a valuation of the land concerned at the date of disposal which shall be
deemed to be the value of such subdivision:
Provided that if such value is lower than the value in terms of paragraph (a) or
subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b), the value in terms of paragraph (a) or subparagraph
(i) of paragraph (b), as the case may be, shall be deemed to be the value of such
(d) if—
(i) the value placed on the subdivision by the Chief Valuation Officer
exceeds the value determined in accordance with paragraph (a) or subparagraph (i) of
paragraph (b) by more than ten per centum thereof; or
(ii) in the case of a subdivision referred to in subparagraph (ii) of
paragraph (b), no agreement was reached because the person concerned failed or
refused to fix a value for such subdivision or fixed a value which was exceeded by the
value determined by the Chief Valuation Officer by more than ten per centum of the
first-mentioned value;
the person disposing of the subdivision shall pay the costs incurred in connection with
the valuation by the Chief Valuation Officer.
(6) If any person is aggrieved by the valuation of the Chief Valuation Officer in terms
of subsection (5), he may, within one month of the notification of such valuation or
such longer period as the President of the Administrative Court may in writing
authorize, appeal to the Administrative Court in such manner as may be prescribed in
rules and the Administrative Court may confirm or vary such valuation, and the
valuation of the Administrative Court shall be deemed to be the valuation of the Chief
Valuation Officer for the purposes of that subsection.
(7) Any moneys received by the appropriate authority by virtue of a condition
imposed in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) shall be paid into the
development account of that authority.
(8) In this section—
“appropriate authority”, in relation to—
(a) land which is set aside for State purposes including State roads, means
the President;
(b) land which is set aside for public purposes other than State purposes
or for roads other than State roads, means the local authority or, if the land is not
within the area under the jurisdiction of a local authority, the President in trust for any
local authority which may in the future have jurisdiction over that area;
(c) any money payable in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (1), means
the local authority or, if the property being subdivided is not within the area under the
jurisdiction of a local authority, the local planning authority referred to in paragraph
(c), (d) or (g), as the case may be, of subsection (1) of section ten, notwithstanding the
provisos to the said paragraph (c) or (d);
“prescribed percentage”, in relation to a subdivision, means such percentage, not
exceeding twenty per centum, as is prescribed for the purposes of this section in
relation to the subdivision or class of subdivision concerned.
(9) Where any land is vested in the President by virtue of paragraph (b) of subsection
(8) and any such land is subsequently included within the area under the jurisdiction
of a local authority then—
(a) in the case of any land set aside for road purposes, the ownership of
the land shall cease to vest in the President and shall vest in that local authority;
(b) if title has been issued to the President in trust, the Registrar of Deeds
shall, on production of the title deed, free of charge, cause the name of the local
authority to be endorsed as owner on the title deed and in the appropriate register in
the Deeds Registry.

42. Cancellation of general plan.

(1) If a local planning authority is satisfied that—
(a) the implementation of any of the proposals in connection with the
establishment of an estate—
(i) is likely to involve excessive expenditure of public money; or
(ii) would no longer accord with sound town and country planning
(b) the subdivisions in the estate or portion thereof have remained
undeveloped or not sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for a period of fifteen years
from the date of the approval of the general plan by the Surveyor-General;
it may apply to the Minister for an order directing the Surveyor-General to cancel the
whole or a portion of the general plan, as the case may be.
(2) On receipt of an application in terms of subsection (1) the Minister shall require
the local planning authority—
(a) to give public notice of the proposal to cancel the general plan, calling
on any person who has any objection to such cancellation or who has a claim for
compensation to lodge with the local planning authority in writing his objection or
claim not later than such date, being not less than two months from the date that the
first notice is given, as may be specified in that notice; and
(b) to send a copy of the notice to—
(i) the owner of the estate; and
(ii) the local authority within whose area of jurisdiction the estate is
situated if that authority is not the local planning authority; and
(iii) the Surveyor-General; and
(iv) such other persons as the Minister may direct.
(3) As soon as is practicable after the period fixed in terms of paragraph (a) of
subsection (2) for the lodging of objections and claims the local planning authority
shall submit to the Director all objections or claims lodged in terms of that
subsection, together with its comments on such objections or claims, and the Director
shall report to the Minister on the proposal to cancel the general plan and on the
objections, claims and comments submitted to him in terms of this subsection.
(4) After considering the report of the Director in terms of subsection (3), the
Minister may—
(a) issue an order directing the Surveyor-General to cancel, subject to
such conditions as the Minister may fix, the whole or a portion of the general plan:
Provided that—
(i) if any objections have been lodged in terms of subsection (2), the
Minister shall not issue such order until the local planning authority has held a local
inquiry into the objections and the Minister has considered the report of the
(ii) if any claims for compensation have been lodged in terms of
subsection (2), the Minister shall not issue such order until he is satisfied that all such
claims have been settled in accordance with Part VIII;
(b) refuse to issue such order.
(5) The Minister shall notify the local planning authority of his decision in terms of
subsection (4) and that authority shall inform all persons who have lodged an
objection or claim in terms of subsection (2) of that decision.
(6) On receipt of an order in terms of subsection (4) the Surveyor-General shall
cancel the general plan or portion thereof in accordance with such order and shall
give notice of such cancellation in the Gazette.
(7) Section 47 of the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12] shall not apply to the
cancellation of a general plan or portion thereof in terms of this section.
(8) In this section—
“estate” means a group of subdivisions for which a general plan has been approved by
the Surveyor-General which are intended or likely to be used for residential,
industrial, commercial or similar purposes;
“subdivision” means any stand, plot or lot.

43. Subdivision of State land.

A proposed layout for the subdivision of State land or Communal Land for public,
industrial, commercial, residential or similar purposes shall be referred to the
Director, who shall not approve the proposed layout until—
(a) in the case of State land, the local authority concerned;
(b) in the case of Communal Land, the Minister responsible for the
administration of the Communal Land Act [Chapter 20:04] or the Secretary for his
has been consulted.

44. Appeals.

A proposed layout for the subdivision of State land or Communal Land for public,
industrial, commercial, residential or similar purposes shall be referred to the
Director, who shall not approve the proposed layout until—
(a) in the case of State land, the local authority concerned;
(b) in the case of Communal Land, the Minister responsible for the
administration of the Communal Land Act [Chapter 20:04] or the Secretary for his
has been consulted.


45. Powers of acquisition.

(1) Subject to this Act, land within the area of a local planning authority may be
(a) for the implementation of any proposal, including development,
redevelopment or improvement, contained in an operative master plan or local plan or
an approved scheme; or
(b) in terms of section forty-seven or forty-eight.
(2) An acquisition of land in terms of this Act may be by way of—
(a) purchase, exchange, donation or other agreement with the owner of
the land; or
(b) expropriation in accordance with section forty-six; or
(c) the imposition in a permit of a condition referred to in section fortyone.
(3) Where a local planning authority has acquired land in terms of paragraph (a) of
subsection (1), the Minister may, at the request of that authority, direct—
(a) the Surveyor-General to cancel the whole or a portion of the general
plan, as the case may be, in so far as it relates to land so acquired or any contiguous
land which constitutes a public place as defined in section 2 of the Land Survey Act
[Chapter 20:12] and on receipt of such direction the Surveyor-General shall,
notwithstanding sections 46 and 47 of the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12] but
subject to Part II of the Roads Act [Chapter 13:12], cancel the whole or portion of the
general plan as so directed;
(b) the Registrar of Deeds, upon the production to him of the title deeds to
all the properties concerned, whether in the name of the local planning authority or
not, and a diagram of the combined area, to issue to the local planning authority a
certificate of consolidated title in respect of the combined area and the Registrar of
Deeds shall comply with such direction.
(4) The powers conferred by subsection (1) may be exercised by the local planning
authority or by another body in whose favour land is reserved in terms of the
operative master plan or local plan or the approved scheme and, for the purposes of
this section, where land has been so reserved for a particular purpose, the land shall
be deemed to have been reserved in favour of the State, a local authority or a statutory
body established to carry out that purpose as may be appropriate.
(5) Any land acquired in terms of this Part by a local planning authority which—
(a) is a local authority shall vest in such local authority;
(b) is not a local authority shall vest in the President.
(6) If any of the title deeds referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (3) is lost or is
otherwise unobtainable, then, upon the direction of the Minister after advertisement
has been made in the manner provided under the Deeds Registries Act [Chapter
10:05], the Registrar of Deeds shall, if he is satisfied that no good reason to the
contrary exists, issue to the local planning authority the certificate of consolidated
title referred to in that paragraph.

46. Expropriation of land.

(1) Parts III, V and VIII of the Land Acquisition Act [Chapter 20:10] other than
section 11, shall, subject to subsection (4) and of section forty-eight and of any
condition imposed in terms of subparagraph (iv) of paragraph (b) of subsection (8) of
section twenty-six, apply to the expropriation of land in terms of section forty-five.
(2) Where any land which is reserved for a particular purpose in an operative master
plan or local plan or an approved scheme is to be acquired by expropriation in terms
of section forty-five, the local planning authority may, or if so requested by the
acquiring authority or the owner of the land concerned shall, issue a certificate stating
the type of development or use which would have been permitted on the land and
details of the conditions subject to which such permit would have been granted had
the land concerned not been reserved for that particular purpose in the operative
master plan or local plan or the approved scheme, as the case may be.
(3) If any person is dissatisfied with any certificate issued by a local planning
authority in terms of subsection (2), he may, within one month of such certificate
having been issued or such longer period as the President of the Administrative Court
may in writing authorize, appeal to the Administrative Court in such manner as may
be prescribed in rules and the Administrative Court may make such order as it deems
(4) In awarding compensation for land acquired by expropriation in terms of section
forty-five the Administrative Court shall have due regard to a certificate issued in
terms of subsection (2).

47. Owner may require acquisition of his land.

(1) Where—
(a) any land is reserved in an operative master plan or local plan or an
approved scheme for a public open space, cemetery or car park or for housing or for
any service provided by the State, a local authority or a statutory body; and
(b) the owner of the land is refused a permit to develop the land on the
grounds that the proposed development would interfere with the use of the land for
the purpose for which it is so reserved;
he may call upon the authority in whose favour the land is reserved to acquire the
Provided that this subsection shall not apply where land has been reserved for roadwidening purposes unless the area of the land of such owner is diminished by the
reservation to such an extent as to render the remaining area of his land substantially
less suitable for development in conformity with the provisions of the relevant master
plan, local plan or approved scheme, whether by reason of the shape of the remaining
area of his land or otherwise.
(2) Where any land is reserved in an operative master plan or local plan or an
approved scheme for a transportation corridor or freeway, the owner of the land may
call upon the authority in whose favour the land is reserved to acquire the land.
(3) Where—
(a) any land is reserved in an operative master plan or local plan for the
preservation of buildings of special architectural merit or historic interest; and
(b) the owner of the land is refused a permit to develop the land on the
grounds that the proposed development would interfere with the use of the land for
the purpose for which it is so reserved;
he may call upon the local planning authority within whose area the land is situated to
acquire the land.
(4) The owner of any land on which there is a building in respect of which a building
preservation order has been served may call upon the local planning authority within
whose area the land is situated to acquire the land.
(5) Where an authority has been called upon in terms of this section to acquire any
land, it shall, within two years of being so called upon—
(a) acquire the land:
Provided that where the authority has been called upon in terms of subsection
(3) or (4)—
(a) it may acquire the building concerned without any land with a view to
removing the building from the site and erecting it elsewhere for the benefit of the
public; and
(b) where the authority acquires any building in terms of paragraph (a) of
this proviso—
(i) it may, within a reasonable period, enter upon the land concerned and
do such things as are necessary to remove the building and erect it elsewhere; and
(ii) such acquisition shall be deemed to be an acquisition of land for the
purposes of this Part;
(b) subject to subsection (6), delete the reservation over the land
concerned from the operative master plan or local plan or the approved scheme, as the
case may be, and prepare an amendment or variation of such plan or scheme in
accordance with section twenty or seventy-six as may be appropriate or withdraw the
building preservation order, as the case may be.
(6) The local planning authority shall not alter an operative master plan or local plan
or an approved scheme in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (5) unless the Minister
consents thereto and, if the Minister refuses his consent, that authority shall acquire
the land in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (5).
(7) In this section—
“freeway” means a divided arterial highway for through traffic with limited access
and no crossings at grade level which is reserved in an operative master plan or local
plan or an approved scheme as a freeway;
“transportation corridor” means a corridor for the separate provision of more than one
method of transportation which is reserved in an operative master plan or local plan
or an approved scheme as a transportation corridor.

48. Acquisition of building subject to building preservation order.

(1) Where it appears to the local planning authority that reasonable steps are not being
taken for the proper preservation of a building in respect of which a building
preservation order has been served, it may, subject to the provisions of this section,
acquire by agreement with the owner or by expropriation the building and such land
as appears to that authority to be necessary for preserving the building and its
amenities or for affording access to the building or for the proper control or
management of the building:
Provided that the local planning authority may acquire the building without any land
with a view to removing the building from the site and erecting it elsewhere for the
benefit of the public.
(2) Where a local planning authority acquires any building in terms of the proviso to
subsection (1)—
(a) it may, within a reasonable period, enter upon the land concerned and
do such things are necessary to remove the building and erect it elsewhere; and
(b) such acquisition shall be deemed to be an acquisition of land for the
purposes of this Part.
(3) A local planning authority may not acquire land in terms of subsection (1)
(a) it has served a reinstatement order on the owner of the land
(i) specifying the works which it considers to be reasonably necessary for
the proper preservation of the building and the period, being not less than three
months, within which the works should be completed; and
(ii) explaining the powers of the local planning authority under this
(b) the owner has failed to comply with the requirements of the
reinstatement order.
(4) Any person who is aggrieved by a reinstatement order may, within one month of
the service thereof or such longer period as the President of the Administrative Court
may in writing authorize, appeal to the Administrative Court in such manner as may
be prescribed in rules and the Administrative Court may make such order as it deems
(5) If the local planning authority is satisfied that a building has been deliberately
allowed to fall into disrepair in order to justify the demolition thereof, it may apply in
writing to the Administrative Court for compensation to be assessed on the basis that
no permit would be granted—
(a) for redevelopment of the land; or
(b) for the demolition, alteration or extension of the building;
other than development of operations necessary for reinstating the building to, and
maintaining it in, a proper state of repair.

49. Use and disposal of land acquired.

(1) Where it appears to the local planning authority that reasonable steps are not being
taken for the proper preservation of a building in respect of which a building
preservation order has been served, it may, subject to the provisions of this section,
acquire by agreement with the owner or by expropriation the building and such land
as appears to that authority to be necessary for preserving the building and its
amenities or for affording access to the building or for the proper control or
management of the building:
Provided that the local planning authority may acquire the building without any land
with a view to removing the building from the site and erecting it elsewhere for the
benefit of the public.
(2) Where a local planning authority acquires any building in terms of the proviso to
subsection (1)—
(a) it may, within a reasonable period, enter upon the land concerned and
do such things are necessary to remove the building and erect it elsewhere; and
(b) such acquisition shall be deemed to be an acquisition of land for the
purposes of this Part.
(3) A local planning authority may not acquire land in terms of subsection (1)
(a) it has served a reinstatement order on the owner of the land
(i) specifying the works which it considers to be reasonably necessary for
the proper preservation of the building and the period, being not less than three
months, within which the works should be completed; and
(ii) explaining the powers of the local planning authority under this
(b) the owner has failed to comply with the requirements of the
reinstatement order.
(4) Any person who is aggrieved by a reinstatement order may, within one month of
the service thereof or such longer period as the President of the Administrative Court
may in writing authorize, appeal to the Administrative Court in such manner as may
be prescribed in rules and the Administrative Court may make such order as it deems
(5) If the local planning authority is satisfied that a building has been deliberately
allowed to fall into disrepair in order to justify the demolition thereof, it may apply in
writing to the Administrative Court for compensation to be assessed on the basis that
no permit would be granted—
(a) for redevelopment of the land; or
(b) for the demolition, alteration or extension of the building;
other than development of operations necessary for reinstating the building to, and
maintaining it in, a proper state of repair.


50. Liability and claims for compensation.

(1) Subject to sections fifty-one and fifty-two and of any condition imposed in terms
of subparagraph (iv) of paragraph (b) of subsection (8) of section twenty-six,
compensation shall be payable by the local planning authority to any person—
(a) whose property is injuriously affected by—
(i) the coming into operation of any provision in an operative master plan
or local plan or an approved scheme, which provision infringes or curtails his rights
in respect of that property; or
(ii) the execution under an operative master plan or local plan or an
approved scheme of any operation which infringes or curtails his rights in respect of
that property; or
(iii) the imposition of a building preservation order; or
(iv) the imposition of a tree preservation order; or
(v) a decision referred to in subsection (3) of section twenty-four;
(b) who suffers any loss or damage by reason of any action taken by a
local planning authority under section eleven or paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of
section thirty-five; or
(c) who owns land within an estate as defined in subsection (8) of section
forty-two and has incurred expenditure which is rendered abortive by reason of the
cancellation of the general plan or portion thereof in terms of section forty-two; or
(d) who—
(i) for the purpose of complying with any provision contained in an
operative master plan or local plan or an approved scheme; or
(ii) in making or resisting a claim for compensation under this Act;
has incurred expenditure which is rendered abortive by reason of a subsequent
alteration, repeal, replacement or variation of the master plan, local plan or approved
scheme, as the case may be.
(2) Where on an appeal against an enforcement order the Administrative Court makes
an order which does not prohibit the carrying out of operations that were specified in
a prohibition order, compensation shall be payable by the local planning authority to
any person who suffers any loss or damage as a direct result of compliance with the
prohibition order.
(3) Any claim for compensation in terms of subsection (1) or (2) shall be lodged with
the local planning authority within such period and in such manner as may be

51. Compensation in respect of agreement under section 35.

Where an agreement has been entered into in terms of section thirty-six providing that
no action shall be taken in terms of section thirty-five—
(a) for twenty-five years, no compensation shall be payable by the local
planning authority; or
(b) for a period of less than twenty-five years, the agreement may provide
for a reduction in the amount of compensation payable by the local planning
in respect of any action taken in terms of section thirty-five at or after the expiration
of that period.

52. Exclusion and limitation of compensation.

(1) No compensation shall be payable for any injurious affection of land arising from
the operation of any provision of an operative master plan or local plan or an
approved scheme which relates to any of the following—
(a) requiring any space to be left about a building or fixing the position on
the piece of land concerned of any building in relation to any other building or
Provided that compensation shall be payable where the area of the land on
which a building may be constructed in terms of the relevant master plan, local plan
or scheme is reduced to such an extent as to render the land substantially less suitable
for the construction of any building in accordance with the provisions of that plan or
scheme, whether by reason of the shape of the land on which any such building may
be constructed or otherwise;
(b) limiting the type of building or number of buildings which may be
constructed on, in or under any property or within any area;
(c) prohibiting or restricting the subdivision of any property or of land
within any area;
(d) regulating, in relation to buildings, the floor area, character, density,
site coverage, height, design or external appearance, including colour, thereof, or the
materials that may be used in the construction thereof;
(e) prohibiting or restricting the objects which may be affixed to
( f ) prohibiting or restricting building operations on the ground that—
(i) by reason of the situation or the nature of the land, the construction of
buildings thereon would be likely to involve danger to life or danger or injury to
health or excessive expenditure of public money in connection with the provision of
roads, sewers, drains, water supplies or other public services; or
(ii) it is premature, having regard to the order of priority, if any, indicated
in the relevant master plan, local plan or scheme, for development in that area;
(g) prohibiting, otherwise than by way of prohibiting building operations,
the use of land for a purpose which would be likely to involve danger to life or danger
or injury to health or detriment to the neighbourhood or restricting, otherwise than by
way of restricting building operations, the use of land so far as may be necessary for
the purpose of preventing such danger, injury or detriment;
(h) restricting the purposes for which land or buildings may be used or
reserving or allocating any particular land or land in a particular area for buildings or
for a particular class or classes of use, including quarrying or other surface mineral
workings which are not authorized in terms of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter
21:05], and the conservation of natural resources;
(i) restricting, in the interests of safety, the height and position of any
proposed wall, fence or hedge near a corner or bend of any road or at a road
intersection or railway level crossing;
( j) limiting the number or fixing the sites of—
(i) new roads giving access to a road or proposed road; or
(ii) any means of access to a road or proposed road;
(k) requiring, in the case of the construction of any building intended to
be used for business, industrial or residential purposes, other than a building intended
to be used as a dwelling-house for a single family—
(i) the provision of accommodation for parking, whether on the site or
elsewhere, and for the loading, unloading or fuelling of vehicles; or
(ii) the payment by the developer to the appropriate local authority of a
contribution towards meeting the cost of providing accommodation for parking
elsewhere; or
(iii) the surrender of a portion of land for the purpose of roads to provide
sufficient space for traffic likely to be engendered from the use to which the land is to
be put or from the increased floor area of any building thereon;
(l) prohibiting or restricting, whether generally or in a particular place,
the exhibition of advertisements.
(2) No compensation shall be payable in respect of the operation of any provision of
an operative master plan or local plan or an approved scheme if that provision could
have been made and enforced by the local planning authority or local authority
concerned under any other enactment without liability to pay compensation.
(3) Where any provision of an operative master plan or local plan or an approved
scheme is altered or replaced by a subsequent master plan or local plan or an
approved scheme is varied in terms of paragraph (d) of section seventy-five, no
compensation shall be payable in respect of any land on the ground that it has been
injuriously affected by any provision contained in that plan or scheme as
subsequently altered, replaced or varied, as the case may be, in so far as that later
provision is the same or substantially the same as the earlier provision in the plan or
scheme which has been altered, replaced or varied:
Provided that if at the date when the alteration or replacement of that earlier plan or
scheme or variation of that earlier scheme becomes operative—
(a) any claim for compensation duly made thereunder is still outstanding;
(b) the time originally fixed for making a claim for compensation
thereunder has not expired;
such outstanding claim or any claim made within the time so fixed shall be
entertained and determined and may be enforced in the same manner in all respects as
if the relevant provision of the earlier plan or scheme had continued in operation.
(4) No compensation shall be payable in respect of any action taken by a local
planning authority under subparagraph (ii) or (iii) of paragraph (a) of subsection (1)
of section thirty-five if the order in terms of the said subparagraph relates to any use
or operations which do not constitute existing development.
(5) Where a person is entitled to compensation under this Act in respect of any matter
or thing and he would be entitled to compensation in respect of the same matter or
thing under any other enactment, he shall not be entitled—
(a) to compensation in respect of that matter or thing both under this Act
and under that other enactment; or
(b) to any greater compensation under this Act than the compensation he
would be entitled to under that other enactment.

53. Determination of compensation claims.

(1) Any question arising as to the right of a person to receive compensation in terms
of this Part or as to the amount of compensation payable under this Part shall, unless
the parties otherwise agree, be referred to, and determined by, the Administrative
(2) The amount of any compensation payable under this Part shall be calculated on
the following basis—
(a) in any case referred to in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
fifty, the amount by which the property concerned has decreased in value and, if the
person concerned has carried on a trade, business or profession on that property, the
amount of any resulting injury to that trade, business or profession;
(b) in any case referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) or subsection
(2) of section fifty, the amount of the loss or damage;
(c) in any case referred to in paragraph (c) or (d) of subsection (1) of
section fifty, the amount of any abortive expenditure which was reasonably incurred.


54. Interpretation in Part IX.

In this Part—
“road authority” means—
(a) a local authority; or
(b) in relation to any road in an area for which there is no local authority,
the authority or body designated by the Minister by notice in writing to be the road
authority for the road specified in such notice.

55. Vesting of ownership of roads.

(1) A road authority may, after giving due notice to any person who may be affected
thereby, apply to the Administrative Court for an order declaring that there shall vest
in that road authority the ownership of—
(a) the land comprising any road within the area under the jurisdiction of
that road authority; or
(b) the remaining extent of any property which consists solely of roads or
former roads;
and the Administrative Court, after considering any representations or objections by
any person affected, may make such order as it deems fit:
Provided that the Administrative Court shall not make an order in terms of this
subsection if the land concerned has been built over or occupied by any person and
the Administrative Court considers that undue hardship will be caused to the person
occupying the land by vesting the ownership thereof in the road authority.
(2) Where the ownership of any road is vested in terms of this Act or any other law in
the President or a road authority it shall be lawful to pass transfer of the property or
any portion thereof over which that road passes, together with that road, as if the
ownership of that road had not so vested in the President or road authority, as the case
may be, but notwithstanding such transfer, the ownership of that road shall remain
vested in the President or road authority, as the case may be.
(3) Where the ownership of a road vests in a road authority by virtue of an order
made in terms of subsection (1)—
(a) the Surveyor-General and the Registrar of Deeds shall record such
vesting in their records; and
(b) no compensation shall be payable by that road authority in respect

56. Transfer of roads.

(1) Where the remaining extent of any property consists solely of roads, whether or
not the ownership thereof is vested in the President or a road authority in terms of this
Act or any other law, the Registrar of Deeds shall, upon the production to him of the
owner’s copy of the title deed to the property concerned, make the appropriate
endorsement on such title deed and in his registers, whereupon the ownership of that
property shall be deemed to have been transferred to the President or road authority,
as the case may be.
(2) The Registrar of Deeds shall, in respect of any road the ownership of which has
vested in the President or a road authority in terms of this Act or any other law and on
being furnished with a survey diagram of the road—
(a) issue and register a title deed in respect of that road, in a form
approved by the Registrar of Deeds, and annex thereto the survey diagram thereof;
(b) endorse the transfer on the office copy of the title deed to the property
concerned and, if at any time thereafter the owner’s copy of the title deed is lodged in
the Deeds Registry, cause a similar endorsement to be made thereon; and
(c) not register any transfer or real right in respect of the remainder of the
property until the title deed has been endorsed in terms of paragraph (b).
(3) If the title deed referred to in subsection (1) is lost or otherwise unobtainable then
upon application by the Minister or road authority, as the case may be, after
advertisement has been made in the manner provided under the Deeds Registries Act
[Chapter 10:05], the Registrar of Deeds shall, if he is satisfied that no good reason to
the contrary exists, issue to the Minister or road authority, as the case may be, a
certified copy to take the place of such title deed.

57. Termination of vested ownership of roads.

(1) Where—
(a) any road which has vested in the President or a road authority in terms
of this Act or any other law is no longer required as a road; and
(b) no title deed has been issued in respect of that road in terms of
subsection (2) of section fifty-six or the corresponding provision of the repealed Act;
the President or road authority, as the case may be, subject to this section and of any
law relating to the closure of roads, may dispose of the land comprising that road in
accordance with subsection (2).
(2) Where any land which is to be disposed of in terms of subsection (1)—
(a) is to be disposed of to the owner of the property over which that road
passes, the Minister or road authority, as the case may be, shall notify the Registrar of
Deeds and the Surveyor-General who shall take such action as may be necessary to
cancel any endorsement, note or other record in any title deed, general plan or survey
diagram relating to the vesting of that road and on such removal that road—
(i) shall cease to vest in the President or road authority, as the case may
be; and
(ii) shall no longer be regarded as set aside as a road;
(b) is to be disposed of to a person other than a person referred to in
paragraph (a)—
(i) the Minister or road authority, as the case may be, shall require the
Registrar of Deeds to issue a title deed such as is referred to in paragraph (a) of
subsection (2) of section fifty-six in respect of that land and shall thereafter transfer
that land to that person; and
(ii) paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (2) of section fifty-six shall
apply, mutatis mutandis;
(c) comprises part of the remaining extent of any property, the ownership
of which has been transferred to the President or road authority, as the case may be, in
terms of subsection (1) of section fifty-six, the whole or any portion of that land may
be transferred to such person as the President or road authority, as the case may be,
thinks fit.
(3) Where the whole or a portion of a general plan is cancelled in terms of section
forty-two or section 46 or 47 of the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12]—
(a) the ownership of any roads indicated on that general plan or portion
thereof as vested in the President or road authority shall, on such cancellation, revest
in the owner of the property on which the roads are situated; and
(b) any subdivision shown on that general plan or portion thereof shall, on
such cancellation, cease to exist as a subdivision; and
(c) any township approved in terms of Part III of the repealed Act shown
on that general plan or portion thereof shall, on such cancellation, cease to exist as a
township and any condition fixed on the establishment of that township shall no
longer apply to the land; and
(d) the Surveyor-General and the Registrar of Deeds shall make the
appropriate amendments in their records and the Registrar of Deeds shall make the
appropriate endorsements on the title deeds to the properties concerned.
(4) If any land is sold by a road authority in terms of this section, the moneys
received by that road authority from the sale of that land shall, after deducting any
expenses incurred in connection with the sale, be paid into the development account
of that road authority.

58. Procedure on closure or diversion of road.

(1) Whenever, in terms of an operative master plan or local plan or an approved
scheme, a road is declared to be closed or diverted—
(a) the local planning authority shall notify the Surveyor-General of the
date on which the closure or diversion of the road became effective in terms of that
plan or scheme and furnish such other information in regard thereto as the SurveyorGeneral may require; and
(b) upon receipt of the notification in terms of paragraph (a), the
Surveyor-General shall endorse the general plan of the land affected accordingly and
sections 45, 46 and 47 of the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12] shall not apply in
relation to the closure or diversion of that road.
(2) Where a road, the ownership of which is vested in the President or a road
authority, is closed as a result of a closure or diversion in terms of an operative master
plan or local plan or an approved scheme, the ownership of the land concerned shall,
notwithstanding the closure of the road, continue to vest in the President or road
authority, as the case may be.


59. Composition of Court.

(1) For the purposes of hearing any matter in terms of this Act, the Administrative
Court shall consist of the President of the Court and two assessors appointed by the
President of the Court from the list of persons referred to in subsection (2).
(2) The President of the Administrative Court shall, with the approval of the Chief
Justice, draw up a list of names of not less than ten persons who have skill and
experience in any matter which may have to be considered in the hearing of any
matter referred to in subsection (1).

60. Costs.

In determining any question or matter referred to it, the Administrative Court may
make such order as to costs as it deems fit:
Provided that—
(i) in deciding the question of costs in connection with an appeal by a
person aggrieved by an application being deemed to have been refused in terms of
subsection (7) of section twenty-six or subsection (6) of section forty, the
Administrative Court shall have regard to the expenses incurred by the appellant by
reason of the failure of the local planning authority concerned to make a decision and
to the reasons for the delay in dealing with the application;
(ii) in any matter not referred to in proviso (i), no order as to costs shall
be made against any person unless the Administrative Court considers that that
person has behaved unreasonably.

61. Appeal to Supreme Court on point of law.

(1) Notwithstanding section 19 of the Administrative Court Act [Chapter 7:01] an
appeal against the decision of the Administrative Court or the President thereof may
only be made in respect of—
(a) a matter of law which has arisen for decision; or
(b) a question as to whether a matter for decision is a matter of fact or a
matter of law; or
(c) a question which has arisen as to the admissibility of evidence.
(2) Where in any proceedings before the Administrative Court any question arises in
any of the matters referred to in subsection (1), the President of the Court may, at the
request of any party to the proceedings, refer the matter to the Supreme Court for
decision, whether before or after the Administrative Court has given its decision on
the proceedings:
Provided that a matter shall not be referred to the Supreme Court in terms of this
subsection in pursuance of a request made after the date on which the Administrative
Court gave its decision unless the request is made within one month thereof.
(3) If the President of the Administrative Court after the Court has given its decision
in any proceedings refuses any request to refer a question to the Supreme Court in
terms of subsection (2), the party by whom the request was made may, within one
month of the giving of that decision, apply to the Supreme Court for an order
directing the President of the Court to refer the question to the Supreme Court and the
President of the Court shall comply with any such order.
(4) On any reference to the Supreme Court under this section with respect to any
proceedings before the Administrative Court and on any application under subsection
(3), every party to the proceedings before the Administrative Court shall be entitled to
appear and to be heard.
(5) Where after the Administrative Court has given its decision in any proceedings
the President of the Court refers to the Supreme Court in terms of this section a
question which arose in the course of the proceedings and the Supreme Court decides
that the question was erroneously determined by the Administrative Court—
(a) the Administrative Court shall, if it considers it requisite to do so for
the purpose of giving effect to the decision of the Supreme Court, give to the parties
to the proceedings a further opportunity of presenting their cases; and
(b) the Administrative Court shall reconsider the matter in dispute in
conformity with the decision of the Supreme Court; and
(c) if on such reconsideration it appears to the Administrative Court to be
appropriate to do so, the Court shall make such order revoking or modifying any
order previously made by it in the proceedings or make such other order as on such
reconsideration the Court considers to be appropriate.
(6) Any reference of a matter to the Supreme Court under this section shall be by way
of stating a case for the opinion of the Supreme Court and the decision of the
Supreme Court on any such reference shall be final.

62. References to Board in other enactments and documents.

Any reference in any other enactment or deed of title, memorandum, agreement or
other document to the Board shall be read and construed as a reference to the
Administrative Court as established by the Administrative Court Act [Chapter 7:01]
exercising, subject to the provisions of any enactment, its jurisdiction and powers in
terms of this Act.


63. Appointment of Director of Physical Planning.

There shall be a Director of Physical Planning, who shall be suitably qualified in
physical planning, whose office shall be a public office and form part of the Public

64. Exemption of members of regional planning council or local planning
authority from personal liability.

authority from personal liability
No matter or thing done or omitted to be done by a regional planning council or local
planning authority or by any member thereof which was done or omitted to be done
in good faith and without recklessness for the purposes of this Act shall subject any
member of that council or authority to any action, liability, claim or demand
whatsoever and any expenses incurred by such person as a result of such action,
liability, claim or demand shall be paid by the regional planning council or local
planning authority, as the case may be.

65. Entry upon property.

authority from personal liability
No matter or thing done or omitted to be done by a regional planning council or local
planning authority or by any member thereof which was done or omitted to be done
in good faith and without recklessness for the purposes of this Act shall subject any
member of that council or authority to any action, liability, claim or demand
whatsoever and any expenses incurred by such person as a result of such action,
liability, claim or demand shall be paid by the regional planning council or local
planning authority, as the case may be.

66. Development account.

67. Development account.

67A. Advisory boards.

68. Advisory boards

69. Power of Minister to give directions.

70. Default powers of Minister.

71. Default powers of Minister.

72. Default powers of Minister.

73. Penalties.

74. Evidence.

75. Savings.



Any area which does not fall within the area under the jurisdiction of a
local authority and which is parks and wild life land or forest land other than the
(a) parks and wild life land—
(i) Bangala;
(ii) Manjirenji;
(iii) Mbaze Pan;
(iv) Manjinji Pan;
(v) Umzingwane Dam;
(b) forest land—
(i) Gwaai;
(ii) Fuller.



  1. The following parks and wild life lands—
    (a) Chimanimani;
    (b) Chipinga “A”;
    (c) Kyle;
    (d) Mushandike;
    (e) Ngezi;
    ( f ) Rhodes Nyanga;
    (g) Robert McIlwaine;
    (h) Sebakwe;
    (i) That portion of Zambezi within the area under the jurisdiction of the
    Kariba Local Board.
  2. Any forest land or any parks and wild life land not referred to in
    paragraph 1 which the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Environment
    and Tourism, specifies by notice in the Gazette for the purposes of this Part.


  1. All forest lands and parks and wild life lands not specified in Part I.
  2. The Eland Sanctuary in the Chimanimani District.