IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development has, in terms of section 183 of the Urban Councils Act IChapter 214], as rend with section 83A of the Rural Councils Act [Chapter 211], made the following by-laws:–

  1. The by-laws may be cited as the Model Building (Amend- ment) By-laws, 1985 (No. 5).
  2. Chapter 2 of the Model Building By-laws, 1977, published in Rhodesia Government Notice No. 41 of 1978 (hereinafter called the principal by-laws) is amended-
    (a) by the insertion after section 51 of

    51A. Where, in these by-laws, any material or thing is required to corpply with any particular specifications any certificate of compliance, approval or test Report issued for any material or thing by the following organizations-
    (a) The British Standard institution;
    (b) The Standards Association of Australia;
    (c) The American Society for Testing and Materials; (d) The International Standards Organisation; (e) Deutesches Institute for Normung
    () The South African Standards Bureau;
    ()such other organizations approved by the Standards Association Central Africa after being consulted by the local authority;
    shall be accepted by the local authority as deeming the particular material or thing to have complied with the specification so certified or approved.”;
    (b) by the repeal of section 62;
    (c) in section 63 by the repeal of subsection (2);

(d) in section 64–
(i) in subsection (1) by the deletion of the words “In the absence of any application in terms of section.
62, the” and the substitution of “The”:
(ii) in subsection (4) by the insertion after paragraph (d) of the following paragraph-
“(c) where appropriate, the building or housing project to which the departure shall apply.”;
(c) in the Schedule by the deletion in paragraph (1) of sub- section (1) of “four” and the substitution of “five”.

  1. Chapter 4 of the principal by-laws is amended by the repeal of section 4 and the substitutiua-
    “4 (1) Every building, wall or structure shall be supported on a stable foundation designed and constructed to transmit safely to the subsoil the total load to be carried by the foundation without undue differential settlement of the building
    or structure.
    (2) The local authority may permit the omission of foundations referred to in subsection (1) where–
    (a) the building is to be supported directly on rock; or (b) an interior 115 num non-load bearing wall not exceed- ing three metres in height and of such length not exceeding that prescribed in column 3 of Table XI of Chapter 5 is to be laid-
    upon a concrete slab which is supported by solid ground or approved consolidated upfill, and the concrete slab has been thickened to at least 150 mm for a minimum of 150 mm below and on each side of the intended 115 min non-lord bearing wall; or
    (ii) upon a concrete slab which can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the local authority to be. competent to support the wall..
    (3) Any decision taken by a local authority regarding the classification of a subsoil or to require or to dispense with the making of a site investigation or the recording of one or more soil profiles on the building site shall not involve the local
    authority in any responsibiliy for the safety of the proposed building or structure.”.
  2. Chapter 6 of the principal by-laws is amended in section 10. by the insertion at the end of subsection (1) of “or such other covering as may be approved by the local authority.”.”
  3. Chapter 11 of the principal by-laws is amended- (a) in section 1-
    (i) by the repeal in subsection (1) of the following definitions “division-wall”, “exit-way” and “fire- door” and the substitution of
    “division-wall” means a wall which-
    (a) serves to divide a division of a building. vertically from the. remainder of a building, or which is to be erected on a lateral boundary other than
    (i) a wall on a lateral boundary. separating a dwelling unit; or
    (ii) a boundary wall not forming part of a building, or
    (ii) the wall of a domestic garage or workers quarters situated on a lateral boundary of a residential stand; and
    (b) has a required fire-resistance rating: “exit-way” means a series of components designed to form a route to egress or escape from any storey of a building and is so constructed to resist the entry of smoke or flame for a specified period;
    “fire-door” means a door and its assembly. which
    (a) in the case of a fire-door installed to contain a fire within a division of a building shall
    (i) not be a component of an exit- way; and
    (ii) be specially constructed in accor dance with CAS 176 Parts 1 and 2 BCD class doors to give a specific fire-resistance;
    (iii) close, automatically in the event
    of fire;
    (b) in the case of fire-doors installed in any other situation shall-
    (i) where so specified in this Chapier, be self-closing; and
    (ii) be specially constructed to give a fire-resistance;”;
    (ii) by the insertion of the following definitions– “”fire shutter” means a shutter which-
    (a) gives a specific fire-resistance; and
    (b) closes automatically in the event of fire;
    “roof assembly” means the roof structure and any ceiling attached to such structure, but does not include the roof cover;
    “suspended or false ceilings” means a ceiling suspended from a floor construction by means of a suspension system, the com- ponents of which shall be deemed to form part of such suspended or false ceiling, but shall not include a ceiling forming part of a roof assembly;”:
    (b) by the repeal of section 5 and the substitution of- “5 (1) Every occupancy-unit shall be sepa- rated by means of an occupancy-separation structure complying with section 13, from any adjoining occupancy-unit or portion thereof, as the case may
    (2) Where there are several occupancy-units in a building, any of which do not have the same occupancy, each such occupancy-unit shall comply
    with the requirements of this Chapter applicable to it.”;
    (c) in section 7–
    (i) by the repeal of subsection (6) and the substitution of-
    “(6) Roof Assemblies-Every roof asscan- bly in any occupancy-unt: which falls into occu- pancy in occupancy classes i to 3, and residential occupancy in occupancy class 4 shall have a fire- resistance rating of not less than one hour.”;
    (ii) by the repeal of subsection (8), and the substitu-, tion of-
    (8) Roof spaces-Every roof-space between a ceiling and a sloping roof which would otherwise exceed in plan area, measured at ceiling-level, the area set out in column 2 of Table IV shall be subdivided into sections by walls or approved roof space partitions acting as draught stops, each having a plan area not exceeding the area afore said, and such sub- dividing-walls, or approved partition as the case may be, shall not be further apart than
    the distance set out in column 3 of that Table.”; (iii) by the insertion in subsection (9) before “Sub- dividing-walls” of “Where subdividing is done by means of a wall in terms of subsection (8).”;
    (iv) by the insertion after subsection (20) of-
    “(21) Suspended or false ceilings other than within exit-ways-Subject to the provisions of subsection (24) every suspended or false ceiling which is 150 mm or less below a fire- resistant floor may be suspended from a timber suspension system.
    (22) Subject to the provisions of sub- section (24), in all cases where a suspended or false ceiling is more than 150 mm below the fire resistant floor it shall be suspended from an approved non-combustible suspension system
    new additions.
    aid where such suspended or false ceiling is suspended more than 800 mm below any fire- resistant floor; there shall be provided an auto- matic sprinkler system within the cavity or space so formed.
    (23) All spaces above suspended or false ceilings shall be fitted with approved fire stops which provide vertical division at 25-metre intervals in either direction and horizontal- division at each floor level.
    (24) A suspended ceiling referred to in subsection (21) or (22)-
    (a) where it is situated in a class 1, occupancy- shall be of material giving a one hour fire resistance, and the suspension system con- structed from material which neither melts nor disintegrates in any way up to 980 degrees Celsius;
    (b) where it is situated in rooms used for sleeping purposes in classes 2, 3 and 4, occupancy-units, both the ceiling and the suspension system shall be of approved non-combustible material which will neither melt nor disintegrate in any way up to 600 degrees Celsius;
    (c) where it is situated in occupancy classes 2 and 3, or a residential occupancy in class 4; in rooms not pod for sleeping purposes, both the ceiling and the suspension system shall be of approved non-combustible material.”;
    (d) in section 8-
    by the repeal of subsection (6) and the substitution of-
    (6) Roof Assemblies. Every roof assem- bly in occupancy class 6 or a residential occu- pancy other than a dwelling-house in occupancy class 7 shall have a fire-resistance of not less than one hour.”;
    (ii) by the insertion after subsection (15) of-
    “(16) Suspended or false ceilings other than within exit-ways-Subject to the provisions of subsection (19), every suspended or false- ceiling which is 150 mm or less below a fire- resistant floor may be suspended from a timber,
    suspension system.
    (17) Subject to the provisions of sub- section (19), in all cases where a suspended or false ceiling is more than 150 mm below the fire-resistant floor, it shall be suspended from an approved non-combustible suspension system and, where such suspended or false ceiling is suspended more than 800 mm below any fire- resistant floor, there shall be provided an auto- matic sprinkler system within the cavity or space so formed.
    (18) All spaces above suspended or false ceilings shall be fitted with approved fire stops which provide vertical division at 25- metre intervals in either direction and horizontal division at each floor level.
    (19) Where a suspended ceiling referred to in subsection (16) is situated in occupancy class 6 or a residential occupancy, other than a dwelling-house in occupancy 7, the ceiling and the system from which it is suspended shall be of approved non-combustible material.”;
    (e) in section 13-
    (i) by the deletion in subsection (2) of the words and all tenancy separation-structures”
    (ii) by the repeal of Table XI and the substitution of—
    Table XI

(iii) by the insertion after subsection (7) of
“(8) Tenancy-separation structure for dwelling-units Dwelling-units situated directly under roof assemblies shall have two-hour fire- resistant tenancy-separation structures erected up to the underside of the roof.
(9) Tenancy-separation structure for busi- ness, commercial and industrial occupancy- In hy single-storey business, commercial or industrial occupancy with separate tenancies within it, or designed to have separate lenancies within it, the local authority may direct the erec- tion of a, one-hour fire-resistant tenancy-separa- fion structure, or structures as the case may be, lo, separate each tenancy within the occupancy, and such separation structures shall be erected to the underside of the roof.”;
(f) in section 14 by the repeal of the proviso to subsection (3) and the substitution of–
“Provided that such protection need not ba provided to openings facing a lateral boundary or another building on the same stand if
(a) there is a baffle walt having a fire-resistance rating of not less than one and a half hours; or
(b) there is an external wall of an adjacent build- ing with a fire-resistance of at least two hours without openings, and such adjacent building’s external wall has such height and length as will, in the opinion of the local authority, render the protection of such openings unnecessary.”;
(g) in section 24-
(i) by the deletion in subsection (1) of the words “(hereinafter referred to as an access doorway)”; (ii) by the repeal of subsection (6) and the substitu-
tion of
“(6) No point in a room or space within a building where there is only one doorway to such room or leading from such space, shall be farther away from an access doorway, or a point where a choice of access doorways exists, than 12 metres.”;
(i) in subsection (7) by the deletion in paragraph (b) of “an access” and the substitution of “a”;
(iv) by the deletion in subsection (13) of “access” and the insertion after “doorway” of “referred to in subsection (1)”;
(v) by the repeal of subsection (14) and the substitu-
tion of-
“(14) The total distance to be travelled to an access doorway from any point on the floor of any room, including the distance referred to in subsection (6) where a choice of exit-way exists, measured along the shortest route of travel, shall not exceed
(a) for a low fire-load occupancy, 50 metres: Provided that in places of assembly
it shall be 30 metrus;
(b) for a moderate fire-load, 35 metres; (c) for a high fire-load, 25 metres;
(d) for a dwelling-unit referred to in the proviso to subsection (2), 30 metres.”;
(vi) by the repeal of subsection (16) and the substitu-
tion of-
“(16) Subject to the provisions of sub- section (14) it shall be permissible to erect partition walls within a space contained in an occupancy-unit in one tenancy to form separate rooms;
Provided the!–
(i) access to an exit-way front any room so created shall not incur the need to pass through more than one other room and the distance referred to in subsection (6) shall not be exceeded in passing through both such rooms;
(ii) every door from such room or rooms through which access is gained to an exit- way may only be fitted with locks which are capable of being automatically released from the inside of the room from which access to an exit-way is being gained, and every such lock shall be of a type approved by the local authority:
(i) every such inner room so create:!, unless it is a bathroom or toilet, shall be provided with a panel of clear glazing of such dimensions and placed at such height as the local authority may determine in order to enible a person to obiala a vind! warning of an emergency in the next room.”;
(vii) by the repeal of subsection (17) and the substitu- tion of
“(17) Aay stairway component of
exit-way leading from a basement to the ground storey of a multi-storey building, which building has a population in excess of 40 persons, shal not lead directly into, connect or continue up any stairway component of an exit-way serving the first or higher storey of the building, and the discharge point of both such stairways on the ground storey shall be separate.”;
(viii) by the i sertion after subsection (18) cf-
New Section
“(19) For the purposes of subsections (6)
and (14) “access door” means-
(a) a fo-resist in dearwny wch leads into
an-way; or
(b) a an from
(a) in section 25-
way which is the only open at of it-way and winch a point of egress single storey biking.”
(i) by the insertion in subsection (5) after “eight” of “but less than twenty-five”;
(i) by the repeal of Table XII and the substitution of-
These referenced to numbered heads of classification of industry are references to the heads set forth in the third edition of the Standards Industrial Classification issued by the Central Statistical Office in September, 1968.
Where any room or storey is used or is likely to be used for variety of purposes the more, or, as the case may Lo, the apnet – onerous occupancy load factor shall be applied and any local authority decision on any classification of use to which a room or storey is to be put shall be final.”;
(ii) by the insertion for subsection (5) of
“(6) The population served by such stair- way or stair-ways serving adore than twenty-five- storeys above finished ground level shall be 75 per centum greater than the population calculated in accordance, with subsection (3).”:
(i) in section 26-
-large tone.
by the repeal of the proviso to subsection (1) and
the substitution of–
“(la) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5 (1), the minimum width of any exit- way shall be 1.1 metres, except that-
(a) where any fire-door is required the clear opening provided by such door may be
reduced to 900 ma; or
() in any building-
(i) having a design population assessed in accordance with Table XIII of section 25 of less than twenty-five persons; or (ii) not exceeding two storeys in height, having a low fire load and a design. population assessed in accordance with Table XIII of section 25 of forty- persons or less;
the minimum width shall be 900 mm for stairway and 800 mm for any other com ponent of an exit-way.”;
(ii) the insertion after subsection (2) of-
“(3) Subject to the provisions of sub section (3) of section 23, when the gross floor area of any storey or storeys situated above another storey, other than a mezzanine storey, is or are reduced so as to create a smaller or tower block rising up from the lover block, the width of exit-way or aggregate width of exit- ways, as the case may be, shall be calculated separately in accordance with subsection (1), firstly for the tower or upper block as if it was 2 separate building, and secondly for the remain- ing lower structure.”;
(i) in section 27 by the repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of
“(1) The walls, floor and ceiling of every passageway forming a component of an exit-way
shall be constructed of materials giving a minimum fire-resistance of one hour.”:
(k) in section 28-
(i) by the insertion in subsection (2) after the word “materials” where it occurs for the first time “with a fire-resistance rating of not less than that prescribed in Table XV of section 33”;
(ii) by the deletion in subsection (14) of the words “one hour, with doorways fitted with fire-doors having a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour.” and the substitution of “that prescribed in Table XV of section 33.”;
(iii) by the insertion in subsection (18) before the word. “non-combustible” of the word “approved”;
(1) in section 29 by the repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of
“(1) The walls, floor and ceiling of every lobby, foyer vestible forming a component of an exit- way shall be constructed of approved non-combus- tible material giving a fire-resistance of not less than that prescribed in Table XV of section 33.”;
(m) by the repeal of section 33 and Table XV and the substitution of


33 (1) Subject to subsection (3), all doors and doorways in, or leading into, exit-ways shall have a fire-resistance equal to that required by the wall in which such door and doorways is constructed.
(2) All walls, floors and ceilings within com ponents of exit-ways, other than passageways, shali meet the specific fire-resistance demanded by Table XV.
(3) In passageways which are components of an exit-way, doors or doorways leading into such passages shall be class Al doors.
(4) Any finish affixed or applied to the floor of an exit-way shall be of the relevant classification contained in Table XV (A), as read with the Third
(5) Any finish affixed or applied to any ceiling or wall of a exit-way shall be of the relevant classification contained la Table XV (B). as read with the Third Schedula
(6) All doors lading into stairways where fire-resistance of one hour is demanded by Table XV shall be approved self-closing or automatic fire- doors having the sume’ fire-resistance as is demanded in Table XV for the stairways,
(7) Wherever the floor of any room in a building of a business, commercial or industrial occupancy is subdivided or obstructed by partitions, counters, benches, seats, tables, shelving, cupboards, goods and other obstructions which are of such a nature or weight as to he not readily removable in case of fire, such obstructions shall be so arranged as to leave aisles or openings between them, to enable the occupants of such room to reach a point. of access to an exit-way.
(8) The aisles or openings referred to in sub- section (7) shall be not less than 750 millimeters in width, but, where the public. have access to them, such aisles shall be of such greater width, as would be required in terms of section 26.
(9) Every coiling in a suspended ceiling situated in an exit-way shall. Even the same fire- resistance as is required for the walls and floors of that exit-way in terms of Table XV, and the suspension system from which any such ceiling hangs shall be constructed of material which neither melts nor disintegrates in any way up to 980 degrees Celsius.
(10) All spaces above a suspended ceiling referred to in subsection (9) shall be filled with approved fire-stops which provide vertical division at 25-metre intervals in either direction and horizontal division at each floor.

Class 1 Fire Resistance in minutes
All storeys 60
Class 2
All storeys 60
Class 3
All storeys 60
Class 4
5 storeys and above 60
Class 5
two storeys and above 60 (30) assessed building population below 40
Class 6
All storeys 60 (30) single storey building only and assessed building population below 40
Class 7
All storeys 60 (30) single storey building only and assessed building population below 40
Class 8 60 (30) single or 2 storey building below 6 meters in height together with an
assessed building population below 40.
Class 9 60 (30) single storey building only and assessed building population below 40
Class 10 30
Class 11 no requirements.


1. Figure in brackets indicate a lower permissible fire-resistance when the conditions mentioned are applicable.

  1. Populations to be assessed in accordance with Table XIII of section.


Classes 1 to 7.1
Classes 8 to 102
Class 11no requirements


Classes 1 to 7.non-combustible
Classes 8 to 102
Class 11no requirements

33A. (1) Any enclosed stairways which is ccm- ponent of an exit-way in any building exceeding 25 metres in height shell be pressurised.
(2) Pressurisation of stairways within ecit. ways shall comply with BS 5588: Part 4: 1978.
(3) For the poses of this section “enclosed stairways” means a stairway which has no opening in its enclosing walls ether than doorways providing access to it.”;
(0) by the repeal of section 40 and the substitution of– 40. Every spraying room shall comply with
the standard specification Inid down in CAS No, CZ2: 1972.”;
(p) in the Second Schedule by the repeal of sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the substitution of–

  1. (1) The following is based on information contained in British Standard Code of Practice CP 153: Part 4: 1972, which deals with the fire-hazards associated with glazed areas in buildings.
    (2) Annealed, laminated and toughened glass will not attain any standard of fire-resistance when tested in accordance
    with British Standard 476: Part 8: 1972.
    (3) Where glazing is required to be fire resisting it shall be fixed shut and conform with the provisions of this section. (4) Where a Half Hour Standard is required.
    (a) glazing associated with half hour standard shall be
    (i) wired glass (diamond, georgian or hexagonal) mesh in panes 6 mm thick and not exceeding 1,2m3 in area; or
    (ii) copper-light glazing with unwired glass 6 mm thick with individual panes not exceeding 0,015m2
    in area and the panels of copper-lights should not exceed 0,4m in area, but composite panels may be assembled by the use of metal dividing bar; or
    (iii) unwired glass 6 mm thick may be used in a door as a vision panel providing it does not exceed 0,065m” in area;
    (b) frames associated with half hour glazing to comply with the following-
    on metal frames; all frame members, including dividing bars, to have a melting point of not less than 980°C;
    (ii) on timber frames; all frame members, including dividing bars, to be not less than 56 mm deep and 44 mm wide with the rebate worked from the solid material and of a minimum depth of 13 mm, and glazing to be secured as in paragraph (c) of this subsection;
    (c) secure fitting of the edges of the glass is essential and the following methods are satisfactory-
    (i) timber support i.e. frame and beading not less than 13 mm wide, and this timber support to be protected with intumescent flame retardant paint or capped with metal;
    (ii) non-combustible beading which neither melts nor disintegrates in any way up to 980°C.
    (5) Where a One Hour Standard is required-
    (a) glazing associated with one hour standard shall be–
    (i) wired glass (diamond, georgian or hexagonal mesh) in panes 6 mm thick and not exceeding 1,2m3 in area glazed in frames of metal or rein- forced concrete; or
    (ii) wired glass, as in (i) above, but not exceeding 0,5m in area glazed in timber frames complying with 2,2 (3) and glazing secured as in para- graph (c) of this subsection; or
    (iii) copper-light glazing with unwired glass 6 MM thick with individual panes not exceeding 0,015m2 in area, and these panels of copper- light should not exceed 0.4m in area, but com- posite panels may be assembled by the use of metal dividing bars, and the glazing shall be in frames of metal or reinforced concrete; or
    (iv) copper-light glazing, as in (ii) above but not exceeding 0.4m in area glazed in timber frames;
    (b) frames associated with one hour glazin; to comply with the following–
    in metal frames all frame members, including dividing bars, to have a melting point of not less than 980°C;
    (ii) in reinforced concrete frames all glazing to be In channels or held in position by suitable non- combustible beads;
    (iii) in timber frames all frame members, including dividing bars, to be not less than 90 m deep and 105 mm wide with the rebate worked from the solid material and of a minimum depth of 20 mm; and glazing to be secured as in para- graph (c) of this subsection;
    (c) secure fitting of the edges of the glass in essential and following methods are satisfactory-
    (i) in metal frames securely fixed metal beads having a melting point of not less than 980°C; or (ii) in reinforced concrete frames all glazing channels or securely fixed suitable non-combustible beads;
    (iii) in timber frames non-combustible glazing inserts (not metal) fixed to the wood frames, and these inserts to be of a material which will not melt nor disintegrate in any way up to 980°C.
    (6) Special consideration is required to be given to areas of glazing on escape routes due to the heat radiation hazard and the permissible area and height of the glazing in such locations.
    depends on the individual circumstances and, therefore, no specific guidance can be included.
    (7) Information given in this Appendix is not exhaustive and other forms of construction may be proved by test to give an equivalent standard of fire-resistance.”.