Rhodesia Government Notice No. 300 of 1979.
[CAP. 214
Model Building (Amendment) By-laws, 1979 (No. 1).
IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Local Government and Housing has, in terms of section 183 of the Urban Councils Act [Chapter 214], as read with section 83A of the Rural Councils Act [Chapter 217], made the following by-law::–

  1. The by-laws may be cited as the Model Building (Amendment) By-laws, 1979 (No, 1).
    DRAINAGE 2. Chapter 9 of the Model Building By-laws, 1977, pub- WAGE lished in Rhodesia Government Notice No. 41 of 1978, is
    68) (+)
    (a) in Part III, in sections 49, by the deation, in paragraph (a) of subsection (4), of “usad caly for laundry pur- poses”;
    (b) in Part IV…
    73 (IA) how
    (i) in section 67, by the repeal of subsection (7) and the substitution of-
    “(7) Changes in the horizontal direction of sewers shall be made, at the discretion of the lend authority
    (a) with 45-degree angled junctions or with bends which shall have radii not less than those specified in C.A.S. No. A 15 for earthenware bends; or (b) at manholes.
    (ii) in section 73, by the insertion, after subsection (1). of the following subsection-
    “(k) A rodding-way or other approved means of access seus shall be provided within a distance of 3 esetes of and before any change of direction of the flow in the sewer.”:
    (c) in Part V, in section 79-
    (i) by the deletion in the heading of “SEPTIC TANK” and the substitution of “SEPTIC TANK AND SOAKAWAY”;