Statutory Instrument 146 of 1980.
[CAP. 214

Model Building (Amendment) By-laws, 1980 (No. 1)

If is hereby notified that the Secretary for Local Government. and Housing has, in terms of section 183 of the Urban Councils Act [Chapter 214], as read with section 83A of the Rural Councils Act [Chapter 211], made the following by-laws: -“

  1. These by-laws may be cited as the Model Building (Amend- ment) By-laws, 1980 (No. 1).
  2. Chapter 2 of the Model Building By-laws, 1977, published in Rhodesia Government Notice 41 of 1978 (hereinafter called the principal by-laws), is amended in section 2 by the repeal of the definition of “structural engineer” in subsection (1) and the substi
    tution of-
    “”structural engineer”-
    (a) means a person who holds an approved qualifi- cation which is recognized by the local authority as being suitable in relation to the structural design submitted; and
    (b) includes a person who is-
    (i) a corporate member of the Rhodesian Institution of Engineers, or
    (ii) registered in terms of the Architects Act,
    and whom the local authority, having regard to the nature of the plans or the application involved, approves for the purposes of this definition;”.
  3. Chapter 8 of the principal by-laws is amended in section
    (a) by the repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of
    “(1) Space outside required daylight-openings” shall comply with the provisions of this section;
    Provided that, in areas for which there are approved planning schemes or local plans, which provide for the control of the height and siting of buildings and the coverage of stands by buildings, subsections (2) and (3) shall not be applicable.”;
    (b) in subsection (4) by the deletion of “it shall face” and, the substitution of “or where the provisions of sub- sections (2) and (3) do not apply by reason of the proviso to subsection (1), the required daylight-opening
    shall face”.
  4. Chapter 9 of the principal by-laws is amended- (a) in section 49 by the deletion from paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of “used only for laundry purposes”: (b) in section 67 by the repeal of subsection (7) and the substitution of-
    “(7) Changes in the horizontal direction of sewers shall be made, at the discretion of the local authority
    (a) with 45-degree angled junctions or with bends which shall have radii not less than those speci- fied in C.A.S. No. A16 for earthenware bends; от
    (b) at manholes.”;
    (c) in section 73 by the insertion after subsection (1) of the following subsection-
    “(1a) A rodding-way or other approved means of access to a sewer shall be provided not more than three metres before any change of direction of the flow in the sewer.”;
    (d) in section 79
    (i) by the deletion from the heading of “SEPTIC” TANK” and the substitution of “SEPTIC TANK AND SOAK-AWAY:”
    (ii) by the deletion from subsection (1) of “Every septic tank and the substitution of “Every septic tenk and soak-away”.
  5. Chapter 11 of the principal by-laws is amended in sub- ion (4) of section 35-
    (a) in paragraph (a) by the deletion of “exceed a height of 3,6 metres unless” and the substitution of “be erected unless working drawings and”:
    (b) in subparagraph (1) of paragraph (c), by the deletion of “if it exceeds 2 metres in height,”
  6. The by-laws specified in the Schedule, which were pub lished without proper compliance with subsections (5) and (6) of section 183 of the Urban Councils Act.[Chapter 214], are repealed.
    SCHEDULE (Section 6)
    Model Building (Amendment) By-laws, 1979 (No. 1)
    Model Building (Amendment) By-law, 1979 (No. 2) Model Building (Amendment) By-laws, 1979 (No. 3)
    Rhodesia Government
    Notice 300 of 1979
    Statutory Instrument 544 of 1979
    716 of 1979